Page 143 of Flare

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“Except they do. Our money. I’m pretty sure Lamone got wind of the fact that Callie and I are together. And now you and Rory.”

I nod. “Right. But it can’t be all for the woman in that room. Pat Lamone is a lot of things, but altruistic is not one of them. I just don’t believe it.”

“Neither do I, cuz,” Donny says. “Neither do I.”

My phone buzzes, and I pull it out of my pocket.

“It’s a text from Rory. Frank is off the bypass machine. Doing well.”

Donny regards his own phone. “Just got the same from Callie. I guess I should turn my ringer back on.”

“Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking. I should’ve turned it off while we were up there.”

“No harm done now. We’re going to have to be more careful. We weren’t really thinking.”

“No,” I agree. “We weren’t.”

“We need to be thinking about Rory and Callie right now. We can take them to a late dinner. Maybe get their minds off Frank for a bit.”

“I agree.”

I text Rory.

Donny and I want to take you two to dinner.

Not until he’s out of surgery. But it shouldn’t be long.

I understand.

We end up back in the ER waiting room where we began.

“I’m going to book a suite at the Carlton,” Donny says.

“Good idea. There’s five of them, so maybe two suites?”

“Yeah. Two. Jesse and his mom can stay together, and the three girls.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see if I can help Rory with canceling her students or whatever.”

“Good idea. I’ll let Callie know she doesn’t need to come into the office until she feels she can.”

“And what after that?”

“I guess we wait.”



An hour later, Dad is out of surgery. He’s in the ICU, and only one person can be in there with him, so of course it’s Mom.

Callie and I go back to the ER waiting room to let Donny and Brock know what’s going on.

I melt into Brock’s arms. I have no more tears left in me.

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he whispers.

I shake my head into his chest. “It’s so not okay. But he’s alive, and his prognosis is good.”
