Page 35 of Brutal Kiss

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“Oh, Niall.” She lets out a small, shaky laugh, her fingers still touching the stone like a talisman. “I don’t know how I’d ever forget.”

It’s hard to see, and I think it must be a trick of the moonlight, but it almost looks as if there are tears shimmering in her eyes. She blinks quickly, her fingers closing briefly around the gem, and her eyes flick to my lips.

I can’t hold back any longer. I want to kiss her, touch her, hold her in my arms and feel her body against mine, and I can’t stem the tide of desire. I lean forward, my hand sliding into her hair so I can pull her forward and capture her mouth, and she yields to me instantly, sweet and pliant in my arms.

She breathes my name as I lay her back onto the blanket, her mouth parting for me as I kiss her slow and deep, savoring the taste of her, her moans as she arches underneath me. I want to taste her, yearning for it like a craving that can’t be satisfied. Gabriela lets out another soft gasp as I slide down her body, parting her thighs and sliding her dress up so I can lick her pussy.

Her hips arch instantly into my mouth as I pull her panties aside, too eager to take them off, wanting everything I have to give, and I devour her. I’d planned to go slowly, to tease and coax an orgasm out of her until she begged for it, but once I taste her arousal on my tongue, I’m so hungry for more that I can’t stop myself from driving her to the edge as quickly as possible. I want more of it, to feel her grow hot and slick for me, her moans filling the night air as her thighs tighten around my head, the taste and scent of her filling my senses until my cock is aching, rock hard with the need to come inside of her.

“Niall, please—” Her begging inflames me, makes me want to pleasure her even more. I push two fingers inside of her, stroking her clenching tight pussy until her moans turn to high-pitched cries, to screams, filling the night air as she shatters underneath me. Her arousal flows out onto my tongue, her clit pulsing beneath it as I lap and suck. I hear her gasping softly as I move back up her body, fumbling with my belt and zipper as I hold her panties to one side.

“I need you now,” I breathe, forgetting that I’d told her not to say that same word on our first night together, not to sayneed, that I could never be what a woman like her needs. And it’s true—beyond this small haven of ours, I could never make her happy. I could never give her what she deserves—but here, out in the shifting sands beneath the moon, I can beeverythingshe needs.

It feels fucking incredible.

My cock nudges between her thighs, against her tight entrance, and I force myself to enter her slowly.She’s still new to this,I remind myself. One night away from my bed might have eased some of her soreness, but it won’t have cured it entirely, and I don’t want to hurt her.

The moan that fills the air between us as I push my first throbbing inch inside of her is enough to make me almost lose control altogether, her pussy clenching around me in a grip that makes my vision swim. Sex with Gabriela is like nothing I’ve ever had, a mixture of sweet innocence and sinful pleasure that could make a man lose his fucking mind. Nothing about the sounds she makes or the way she moves is artifice, none of it is planned. She’s nottryingto seduce me, but by god, she’s succeeding, and my hips jerk as I sink another few inches of my cock into her clenching core.

“Niall, please.” Gabriela moans my name, her fingers digging into my shoulders through the fabric of my shirt. Both of us are almost still completely dressed, my need for her taking over before I could undress her or myself, and now I’m not sure I could stop for anything. She feels too fucking incredible. “Please, more—I need it. All of it—all of you.”

This time, I don’t chide her for sayingneed.I feel it too, the driving, urgentneed, an ache that spreads through my bones as I give in to her pleading, instinct taking over as I drive my cock into her, the last inches sinking into her soft wet flesh as I thrust into her as deeply as I can go, holding myself there and rocking my hips against hers. “That’s right,” I murmur, pleasure rippling down my spine and bowing my back as I press into her. “Take my cock, Gabriela—”

“Yes—” she whimpers, squirming under me, her eyes flicking open for just a second before closing again as I start to move, and her head falls back, her lips parting. “More. Niall, more—”

A man only has so much fucking restraint. Her pleas fill my ears, electrifying my nerves, my cock pulsing with need as I quicken my pace. I bury my hand in her hair, dragging her mouth up to mine as I brace my other hand on the blanket, thrusting into her in sharp, hard strokes as I roll my hips against her, rubbing the head of my cock against that spot deep inside of her that I know will make her come again.

I want it, her orgasm rippling down my length, squeezing the cum out of me as I burst inside of her. I can’t remember ever wanting anything so badly at that moment. I devour her mouth, sucking her lower lip between mine and running my tongue over it, nipping at the soft flesh until she cries out and then laving away the sting with more kisses, as my cock hardens to the point of no return inside of her.

“Come for me,” I whisper against her lips. “Come on my cock—”

“Yes! Oh god, yes, I’m so close—” She gasps out the words, arching up as the pendant slides against her heated skin, pressing sharply between us as I drive her back into the blanket. “Oh god, Niall—”

Her gasping moan is swallowed up by my mouth as I kiss her fiercely, feeling her hips snap upwards as she starts to come, her back arching, the spasms of pleasure overtaking her as she clenches around me. The pleasure is too strong to hold back any longer. All I feel is blinding ecstasy, the driving need to come, to fill her with me, and I thrust into her hard and deep, every inch of my throbbing cock.

My groan of pleasure mingles with her cries as I break the kiss, arching backward as I thrust again, feeling the first hot burst of cum inside of her as my cock swells and erupts. Gabriela moans, the sound ending on something like a scream, and I thrust once more, wanting to feel her heated, wet flesh dragging over my sensitized cock once more before I shove deeply into her, holding myself there for the last pleasurable jolts that shudder through me.

“Oh god,” Gabriela breathes out as I slump against her, holding myself up on one elbow as I kiss her again, lighter this time. “It’s better every time.”

“It’ll keep getting better, too.” I brush a finger over her cheekbone, claiming another kiss from her soft mouth. “You’ll learn what you like and what you want out of a lover.”

An inexplicable shadow passes over her face at that, her eyes glimmering with what almost looks like tears again. But then she blinks, and it’s gone. Just her small satisfied smile, the lazily pleasured look on her face as she arches beneath me with the last aftershocks of her orgasms, her pussy fluttering lightly around my softening cock.

Reluctantly, I slide out of her, fixing my clothing as she pushes her skirt down around her hips. “Do you need to go home?” I ask, reaching for my glass of wine. “Or should we—”

“Go back to your room?” Gabriela grins, sitting up as she finishes her glass. “That, I think.”

She helps me pack up, and I savor the feeling of her behind me on the ride back to the hotel, her arms around me. I’m glad the night isn’t ending yet, but I can feel the end of it coming—the end of thisthingwith Gabriela, and I’m dreading it more than I should.

We ascend the stairs quickly, both of us in a hurry to be in private again. But when we walk inside and I close the door behind us, I turn to see a nervous expression on her face, one that I haven’t seen all night until now—at least not since I reassured her about our trip out to the desert.

“What’s wrong?” I cross to where she’s standing, touching her hair lightly. It’s soft and silky beneath my fingers, black as a raven’s wing and just as glossy. “Are you having second thoughts about the rest of tonight? If you are—”

“It’s not that,” she starts to say, but then hesitates, and I feel something in my gut tighten, a sinking feeling.

I always knew Gabriela would leave, eventually.I’llleave too, in a week’s time.

I’d just hoped it wouldn’t be tonight.
