Page 42 of Devil You Know

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She was so close he could smell her — the lingering scent of expensive perfume, apricot shampoo, the musk of her skin. He could feel the heat of her body, the pull of it like a lost star forcing him home. His brain screamed a warning, but it didn’t stand a chance against the demands of his heart.

He slid one hand into the hair at the back of her head. Even after all these years, the sensation was familiar, like silk through his fingers. He cradled her head and looked into her eyes. “I’m glad too.”

She closed her eyes, tipped her head against his arm. When she opened her eyes, he saw twenty years worth of things unsaid swimming in their depths. Her brow furrowed as she looked up at him, evidence of her mind at work. “Logan, I — ”

He crushed her mouth under his before she could finish. He didn’t want to talk. Not about the past or the future or any of the hundreds of complications that went along with kissing her.

She moaned softly and opened her mouth to him. He sank into her lips, the familiarity of her kiss the best kind of muscle memory along with a healthy dose of the forbidden that only made it more erotic.

Because she was forbidden. To his heart anyway.

He didn’t care. Not while he was making desperate sweeps of her mouth with his tongue, searching for all the things she’d felt and experienced in the year they’d been apart, reassuring himself that while some things had changed, others hadn’t. Not when he could feel the press of her body, ripe with curves he hadn’t yet explored, with desire that caused his cock to harden in his jeans. Not when she was in his arms, making him feel like the luckiest guy in the world all over again.

She slid her arms around his waist and stroked his back as she met the thrusts of his tongue with her own, the urgency in her kiss leaving no room for doubt that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

He angled his head to take the kiss deep, wanting to taste all of her, to reclaim what had once been as familiar to him as his own face in the mirror.

She clung to his back while their tongues sparred and he slid his hand down her neck, stroking her velvety cheek with his thumb while he pillaged her mouth, kissing and licking and nipping at the full lower lip he’d always loved.

He moved his hand over her throat, let his fingers rest on the frantic beating of her pulse, trail over the hollow at the center of her collarbone.

Tearing his mouth away from hers, he kissed his way along her jaw. She dropped her head to the other side, giving him better access.

“Logan,” she gasped, slipping her hands under his shirt. They were small but sure, mapping his back, the slide of her palm on his bare skin as electrifying as it had been when he was seventeen.

He was out of his mind with desire for her, and he slipped one hand into her T-shirt, under her lace bra, his hand closing around her full breast, the nipple hard and demanding.

She moaned, and he stroked it with his thumb while he kissed the sensitive skin under her ear.

Her hands moved around to his abdomen as he trailed kisses down her neck. The touch of her skin on his bare stomach was like kerosene on a fire. He sucked in a breath at the pleasure of it, so good it was almost painful.


He was desperate to strip off her clothes, close his mouth over the nipple growing harder under his thumb, but there was no time. No time for all the ways he wanted to touch her.

For all the things he wanted to do to her.

He touched his lips to her chest, exposed by her T-shirt’s V-neck, and continued to the swell of her breasts, separated from his mouth by soft, sweet-smelling cotton and lace.

He rolled her nipple in his hand between his thumb and index finger and closed his mouth over the other one. He sucked, gratified to feel the tiny bud harden even through her clothes.

She slid her hands into his hair, cradling his head in her palms. “I want you, Logan. So much.”

They were the words he’d waited twenty years to hear, but he was too far gone to think about them. He just wanted her body, naked and soft, under his.

She reached for the button on his jeans and slid her hand inside, closing her fingers around his throbbing cock. “I want you inside me. Like it used to be.”

The words should have stoked the fire racing through his body. Instead, they brought to mind everything he’d lost when she left.

All the pain of watching her go.

All the years of wondering why he wasn’t good enough.

Of telling himself he’d been stupid to ever believe he was.

He lifted his head and looked into her face, her eyes half-closed and hazy with desire.

He closed his hand gently around her wrist and her eyes cleared.
