Page 17 of Exposed

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“Perhaps, one day, you will tell me of the outside world?” he says, and I feel a hint of longing in it. I feel a stab in my heart at the thought that this man has never known more than violence and imprisonment. Never known freedom or seen a real sunset, the ocean…anything.

“I’d like that,” I tell him honestly. “Would you, would you maybe tell me how you came here? You were only six, right?”

I regret asking right away when his face drops, darkening. He doesn’t say anything and seems to almost space out. His eyes go far away.

“Never mind,” I say, trying to keep my voice light. “Sorry I asked.”

For a moment, we are both silent lost in our own thoughts. I try not to shift uncomfortably, knowing I pushed it too far. I can’t forget that however nice he’s being to me this man is powerful and violent. God only knows what he’s done in here or what his history is.

“I have things to do today,” he finally says, and I nod. I could use some time away from his larger than life presence right now. I need to get my bearings.

“What should I do?” I ask.

It grates to ask any man a question like this. Stay close, but not too close, I keep telling myself over and over. He looks surprised at my question.

“You recall Cole, from yesterday?”

“The guy with all the tattoos, right?” He nods.

“He’s been causing some trouble I need to sort out,” he pauses a moment as though thinking of how to phrase what he wants to say. “As much as I want you to stay here, I think it will be suspicious. I don’t…protect people. Or make friends.”

I nod again in understanding. I don’t want to sit around here all day, so it makes it easier if he agrees.

“I met someone yesterday before that whole incident,” I tell him, “Theo? Older man? I was thinking I would go find him. I kind of disappeared on him yesterday.”

Axle considers this. “Theo has been here a long time, he can’t protect you physically, but he knows this place. That should be fine.”

I suppress the immediate anger I feel at him telling me it’s okay to do what I was going to do anyways. When I look at him though, I only see concern. I feel my insides soften just a bit.

“I know how to fight,” I remind him gently, “Besides, I’ll stay away from Cole and them, promise.”

Axle growls, “That fucker better stay away from you anyway.”

I giggle. It’s strange how his overprotectiveness is both endearing and maddening. I lean forward and plant a light kiss on him, and his face calms immediately as he looks at me with something akin to awe.

“How do you do that?” he asks with wonder in his voice.


“Calm the fire inside of me,” he says in a whisper, bringing a hand up to my face. I frown a bit at this.

“What do you mean the fire inside you…” I start to say before a voice calls out a few rooms over. Axle’s eyes widen and he scrambles off the bed with a pointed look at me before he leaves the room.

I quickly get up, making my way back to the corner of rags and curl up on the ground in time for Axle and Ethan to enter the room.

“You keptit, huh?” Ethan says with a chuckle. I keep my eyes closed, pretending to still be asleep, but assume the it he refers to is me.

“Where’s Emilio?” Axle says, ignoring the question and jibe.

“In his cell,” Ethan replies. “He’s waiting for you, demanding Cole’s blood for Tony’s.” I hear Axle groan.

“Fuck. Okay, get the Pit ready, just in case, and I’ll go see Emilio.”

I hear fading footsteps but don’t open my eyes until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

“Good thinking,mi tesoro,” Axle says quietly to me. The accent rolls off his tongue, though he has no hint of one otherwise. I open my eyes, giving him a small smile.

“How many languages can you speak?” I ask.

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