Page 11 of Her Last Audition

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My whole body is tight with tension as he stands to leave, Eli darting me a glance that makes me want to put one through his eyes.

The visit makes infinitely more sense now, the not-so-subtle comments about how I run this place. Of course they are fucking recruiting, and this is the perfect place. Then there was Eli saying something about Eternity burning down. My eyes widen as I realize why the master is familiar.

Fucking Neil!

He looks just like Neil, that seedy fucker who ran Eternity and went missing. The last name is different, but that means nothing. Father, perhaps? Family member, almost certainly. I let out a groan, realizing that if I’m right, this whole thing notched an entire level of fucked-up mess.

“Fuck my life,” I mutter. There’s a commotion outside my door and I start to stand when the door opens.

It's one of Eli’s men who storms in, a tiny woman dressed in red being dragged along with him. Phil is only a step behind, a frown and a question on his face. The woman lets out a small noise when the goon thrusts her forward. The first two things I notice about her are the stunning silver hair and the quivering, but full, bottom lip. She looks up at Eli and then at me, and her eyes widen as she takes in my face.

“Why the fuck did you bring a woman in here?” I bark at the goon.

“Found her at the front. She watched everything, and looked like she was about to freak out so I grabbed her,” he replies. I notice Eli stepping forward, a spark of interest in his eyes.

“Apparently, your security is lacking, my friend,” he says without looking at me, his eyes greedily trailing over the young woman in front of us. She shudders at his gaze and takes the smallest step in my direction.

“I-I was looking for an audition,” she interjects, the slight crack to her voice belying her fear. She should be afraid. This isn’t a place you walk into without consequence. Phil catches my eye and I give him a small nod. He’ll go find out how the fuck this happened. “The address, I thought it was…”

“No auditions here, sweetheart,” I tell her, nodding my head at the door. “Phil, get her the fuck out of here.”

I turn, freezing, when Eli speaks.

“Wait just a moment.” I turn in time to see him grab her arm. I narrow my eyes and the girl looks back and forth between us, clearly unsure who's the bigger threat. I may look like it, but the snake holding her is a far bigger threat than me.

“If we’re to work together, witnesses to such things cannot be accepted,” Eli nods at his goon and before I can say anything, the man pulls out a syringe from his fucking pocket and stabs it into the girl’s neck. She cries out, but falls off limply in a matter of seconds. I wonder if he didn’t just fucking kill the poor thing with that dose. And who carries a fucking syringe around?

Before she crumples, her clear grey eyes meet mine for a split second.

“What the fuck, Eli!” I grit out, my hand pointed toward the now unconscious girl on the floor of my office. “She didn’t witness shit, what the fuck is wrong with you.”

He quirks an eyebrow. “How do you know she saw nothing? She saw me. She saw you. She saw this place. It’s enough.” He turns and nods his head to his goon, who leans down and picks the girl up. Her long silver hair flows over her arm, and I have the strangest urge to touch it.

“Fine, I’ll take care of it.” I take a step toward the goon to grab her, but Eli wags a finger in my direction, testing my patience on a different level now.

“Uh-uh, we can take care of that. Specialties and all.”

My jaw clenches, but what the fuck can I do? Poor bitch was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I go to my desk and light a smoke to calm myself. “What’ll you do with her?”

Eli shrugs and starts to walk out, the goon in front of him. “Not your concern,” he replies, pausing to turn before his mouth curves into a smile. “Not yet, anyway.”

The door closes behind him and I wonder again what the fuck I’ve gotten myself into. A small knock at the door has me grunting, and Phil steps back in.

“Just saw them leave out the back, boss. They had the girl with them,” he tells me, the concern evident in his eyes.

“I know,” I say, bringing the smoke up to my mouth and inhaling deeply. I can feel the hesitation rolling off Phil in waves. He doesn’t stand for people fucking with women; always been a hot button for him. And rightly so.

“But what the fuck am I supposed to do about it?” I don’t mean to say that out loud. Phil sighs, taking a seat across from me.

“What can I do, boss?”

I rub a hand down my face. “Enough of the boss,” I say through a sigh. “How the fuck did she get in here, anyway? No one walks in here by accident.”

“I’m not sure yet. I’ll check the footage after the fight, see what I can find out. What about the girl? What can we do about her?”

My shoulders tense. “Fucking nothing. We can’t do fucking anything.”

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