Page 3 of Vicious Games

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Cracking open the can, I take a sip as I pretend to ponder her words. “It’s not that late, and I am an adult now. It’s not like I have school tomorrow.”

“No,” she agrees, folding her arms. “You havecollege. We’re not paying for your education just so you can go out every night and drink. You are barely the legal age.”

I shrug. “But a legal one, nonetheless.”

Charlotte grimaces at me. “Your father and I are very concerned about your behavior. You need to reign it in.”

“Gareth isnotmy father, Mom.”

She sighs and puts her head in her hands. She’s frustrated, a trait of hers when she has to be confrontational. It’s something she hates doing but I can imagine she drew the short straw when it was discussed that thischatneeded to happen.

“Rylee, I’m sick of having this conversation over and over. Gareth might only be your stepfather, but he has been in our lives for 4 years now. It’s time to let this go. He loves you like his own blood. I miss your dad as much as you do, but he’s gone. And we have a good family here. You can’t keep living in the past.”

I swallow, trying to keep my face passive. My dad is a sore spot that she knows will get a reaction if she presses hard enough. I throw the near full can in the trash, giving her a blank look as I start to head out of the kitchen. “I’m off to bed. I have an exam tomorrow. Goodnight.”

Chapter two

"Ms.Selwood'sassignmentdidnot meet the standard academic requirements. Her chosen topic for the assessment, the history of fellatio, was inappropriate and when asked why she chose it, she responded with 'because the second part of the assessment consisted of an oral exam' and as such, was something she could 'perform with ease', since she had received positive feedback prior for her related skills."

I bite down on my tongue, trying my hardest to keep a straight face as the Dean looks at me with disappointment and disbelief.

"As you can see Ms. Selwood, your professors are concerned about your current academic performance, as well as your attitude to the institution. What do you have to say for yourself?"

I shrug, my face impartial as I look him dead in the face.

"I thought it was an appropriate topic."

"It's European history in the twentieth century!" he hisses, already fed up with my lack of giving of a shit.

I cock an eyebrow at his quick frustration.

"Have you not met any Europeans before, Sir? Honestly, some of the most perverted people I've ever met."

Dean Richmond's mouth falls open, stunned, as he tries to form words. He stutters a few times, his grey hair getting more unkept with each passing minute. Before he can reprimand me, his intercom buzzes to life, the assistant's nasally voice sounding through.

"Mr. Richmond? Your 3 o'clock is here."

He quickly pushes the button to respond, his angry gaze never leaving mine as he answers her. "Thank you, Louise. I'll be one more moment."

I wait for him to speak. The tension in the room grows and for a second, I almost start to regret my actions.

“Ms. Selwood, I understand things have been difficult for you the past few years. Whilst I sympathize, this behavior cannot continue. If you do not start meeting the expectations of the college, I’ll have no choice but to terminate your enrollment.”

The intercom buzzes again so I quickly grab my bag. “Noted, Sir. Have a good day.”

I take off quickly from his office, not missing the glare from Louise as I head to the corridor. My exam has thankfully finished, so I’m done for the day.

It’s a nice Spring Day, the weather warm and sunny which has flooded the courtyard with students and faculty members as they take in some Vitamin D. I move in between people, heading towards the car park. I have no desire to hang around the college and I could use a drink.

The car park is only a short walk from the campus. It’s one of those car parks where they don’t give enough parking to cover everyone, so you have to arrive early or potentially stalk people back to their cars in an attempt to snag a spot. I can already see people arriving for late afternoon classes eyeing me off as I take my time walking to my Chevy.

I’m parked along the back row, near the shrubs which lead to the forestry behind the college. It surrounds the campus, and it’s beautiful. It provides shade and a breeze, and during Fall, the grounds get painted with orange leaves.

The campus itself is quite old – around 150 years or so. The buildings are all stone and red wood, giving the appeal of a rustic vibe. It’s nice – even if I don’t want to be at college anymore.

When I first started after high school, I did spend more time on campus but slowly, I lost interest. Now it’s just another educational jail, reminding me that I’m not good enough to attend, but privileged enough to do so.

I dig my keys out of my bag and look up as I approach my car.
