Page 6 of Vicious Games

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Butch gets ready to leave but the front door opens, some people stepping out, laughing amongst themselves. I spot Asher, an unlit cigarette in his hand as he notices us. The rest of the group slowly looks up, going quiet as they spot me and the scary looking biker at the bottom of the steps.

Asher moves forward unfazed, walking down the first step. “Rylee, did you come to join us after all?”

He looks at me with a challenging glance, so I smirk, stepping back to wrap my arm around Butch’s waist.

“Yeah, bro. The rest of the crew will be here shortly. We just asked them to give us some alone time first.”

The group look partly terrified, partly disgusted as they look at Asher for guidance. I feel Butch’s body shake with silent laughter as he wraps his large arm around my shoulders.

“Hope you don’t mind, of course,” he says to Asher, with full confidence.

Asher looks at Butch before turning to me, his face tight as he considers his next move. He knows me well, and probably knows I’m bullshitting. But he also knows I’m happy to call someone’s bluff.

Behind him, Jenny pokes her head out the door, paling at the sight of Butch. In the distance, we hear a motorcycle, and unbeknownst to the group, it’s not anyone we know but they glance amongst themselves, whispering in panic.

I hold in a laugh as I know we have Asher between a rock and a hard place. He wants to call my bluff and say yes, but he can’t give in easily at risk of retribution from his friends.


Asher takes his time, lighting his cigarette and exhaling a puff of smoke. “Damn. We just reached capacity, unfortunately. But next time if Ry gives us the heads-up, we can certainly look at including you on the guest list.”


He thinks he has me cornered, but like Harvey Specter says, when you’re backed against the wall, knock the fucking thing down.

I turn to Butch. “Maybe we should tell the others to meet us later, and you and I just go upstairs to my room. Surely, I think one more body coming in the house won’t bring the apocalypse. At least, not until later.”

Asher’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Good to know I can shock him.

Butch looks up at Asher, gauging his reaction. He leans down so his head is next to my ear.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, love,” he whispers.

I turn to him. “I play to win, and right now, you’re my Royal Flush.”

He chuckles, linking his hand with mine. “Fair enough. But just make sure you know what you are doing.”

Pulling him up the stairs, the crowd parts to let us through. Asher stays silent, with a mixed look of surprise, andrespect?

Inside is no better. People are bunched together dancing. There’s no clear path to the stairway, and they seem too caught up to realize we are there. The music is so loud inside that I can feel the rhythm of the beat from the DJ’s table inside my chest cavity.

A few former cheerleaders are blocking the bottom of the stairs, chatting up a group of guys. They spot me approaching, perfectly groomed brows rising in unison, before looking behind me to see Butch. Some look confused, while a few actually throw sultry looks his way. Damn, who knew that the good girls liked the bad boys?

“Excuse me, ladies,” I say, pushing in between them with my hand still holding onto Butch. “We have somebusinessto discuss.” I wink at the few who had been eyeing him off, grinning when disappointment crosses their faces.

We head up the stairs, and I feel the tiny hairs on the back of my neck tingle. I feel him. I’m not sure how, but I just do. Turning to look down at the doorway, I see Asher perched against the frame watching me. Jenny is next to him, giving me a look of disapproval. I ignore her, giving Asher a cheeky wink before heading down the hallway towards my bedroom.

I can hear people in the rooms upstairs and I resist the urge to exorcism vomit. I swear if anyone is in my bedroom, hell will break loose. Asher better take care of this mess before mom and Gareth get back home because no one is making me clean up nasty-ass bed sheets.

We stop in front of my door, and I push it open, glancing around suspiciously. Thankfully, no one is inside. My black duvet is still neatly in place on the bed, and everything appears in order.

My room is my one safe space in the house – the one area that I can hide from everyone. It’s taken me a long time to get it just right. I spent too much time changing things, never happy with the placement of furniture or color scheme. Finally, a few months ago, I decided on pale blue walls. Blue was my father’s favorite color, and it was now mine too. In one corner of the room, I had set up a reading nook. My bookshelf was perched along the wall, filled with various novels. Shamefully I admit I hadn’t read them all, yet I kept buying more books. First world problems…

Next to the shelf I had a grey chaise, topped with cushions. In the opposite corner I had my desk and laptop. It was the messiest part of my room, always cluttered with college work which seemed never ending.

In between the chaise and my desk, was my walk-in closet, which lead to my bathroom on the other side. I was thankful to get my own bathroom because a girl just needs privacy, and a place to shave their bits without fear of being interrupted.

Butch looks around the room, taking note of the layout.
