Page 15 of When it Raynes

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Brad’s eyes widen as he backs away, trying to put distance between us. “I haven’t done anything.” He trips over the most hideous stained rug I have ever seen in my life and almost lands flat on his back.

I keep walking after him, giving him enough space he thinks he’ll be able to escape, but not enough he actually can. His entire body shakes with a mixture of fear and the drugs raging through his veins.

It’s not until his back hits the wall that I pounce, slamming my body into his roughly, knocking the wind from his lungs. Before he can catch his breath, I have my hand wrapped around his throat, squeezing until he’s gasping for air.

“I hope we’re going to come to an understanding, because if not, I will make you suffer in ways you can’t even imagine.”

Brad nods frantically, his eyes wide as his face turns a bright shade of red.

“Fantastic. Now, I’m going to ask you a few questions, and you’re either going to nod or shake your head, got it?”

He nods.

“Do you know Emerson Miller?” An easy one to start.

Another nod.

“Did you date her?”

He nods.

“Did you rack up seventy thousand dollars of debt in her name?”

His eyes widen and he’s about to shake his head, his eyes darting around the room.

“Before you answer, I need to let you know that if you lie to me, I will cut your tongue out and then feed it to you.”

Brad hesitates for a moment before nodding slowly. Just as I thought.

“If you ever go near her again, ever so much as look at her from across the street, I will find you, and I will kill you. Not some easy death like the one Russo will give you. No, it will be even more painful than you can possibly imagine. Nod if you understand.”

Recognition finally flickers in his glazed eyes. He’s just placed where he knows me from. He nods, and I release my hold from his neck, allowing him to tumble to the ground like a ton of bricks.

“I’m glad we could come to an agreement.” I smile. “But you did mark her, so it’s only fair I mark you, wouldn’t you agree?” I pull him up just to slam my fist into his stomach before he can answer and he falls back to the ground like the sack of shit he is.

“I’m sorry,” Brad cries.

“You’re not. But you will be.” I kick him twice in the stomach, so hard I hear the wind leave his lungs. No matter how much I do this, I always get a sick satisfaction from kicking the shit out of scumbags. I’m getting more satisfaction than usual out of this, knowing he put his hands on what didn’t belong to him.

“I’m being very generous, Brad.” His name tastes foul as it rolls off my tongue. “If I were a lesser man, and you marked my woman, I’d cut your hands off. But I’m giving you a chance here.”

Realization crosses his face, like he’s finally put the pieces together as to why I’ve just beat him until drops of blood drip from the corner of his mouth and nose. “She’s not worth it. She’s boring in bed. I’d be doing you a favor if I took her off your hands, save you the used-up pussy.”

Brad’s smug expression only makes the red in my vision deepen, and then I find myself picking him up off the ground by his throat. I’m tempted to strangle him to death, but I want to torment him. I want him to know someone’s watching, but never know when I’m going to strike. A game of cat and mouse he’ll never be able to run from.

“You ever speak about her like that again, and I will make your life hell. I don’t fucking care if you whisper the insult to yourself in the mirror. I will find out, and I will make you pay. Believe me when I say, you do not want me as your enemy.”

Brad rolls his eyes and I can’t believe what this cocky son of a bitch is doing while I hold his life in my hands. I could snap his neck so fucking easily, and he wouldn’t see it coming. “I don’t even know who you are.”

“Rayne Saint James.”

The smile drops from his lips and fear crawls into his expression. A moment later I slam my fist into his face over and over again, before wiping my bloody hands on one of the T-shirts haphazardly thrown over the back of the sofa on my way out, leaving Brad bloody and broken.

Now to get some work done.


