Page 49 of When it Raynes

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I bury my face into his chest and breathe him in, using his woodsy scent to ground myself. Being surrounded my Rayne is overwhelming, but it’s also comforting. He feels like home, which is totally insane, but hell, so is the rest of my life.

Rayne reaches to his side and brings a bottle of water to my lips. “Have some water for me and then we can get to the fun part.” He smirks.

I drink greedily from the bottle. The inside of my thighs are wet and sticky with my arousal, and the idea of Rayne playing my body as he had a few nights ago gives me fresh energy. Strangely, I feel better after my punishment. It gave me the chance to purge the feelings I thought were going to tear me apart. The memory of Russo’s man with his hands on me still turns my stomach, but it doesn’t send the same sense of dread and panic through my body. It’s more like a nagging thought now, a distant memory that makes my heart beat a little harder but doesn’t really scare me anymore.

Maybe it’s temporary. Maybe the tears I cried as part of my punishment would give me a few moments of peace before the feelings returned. But somehow I don’t think that’s the case. I think by Rayne punishing me, by him following through with his threats, it’s made me feel safe. Rayne will not let anything happen to me. He’s told me that time and time again, but each time I’ve fought against him. But how can I now?

I could have been taken tonight. I could have been kidnapped and delivered to Russo and there wouldn’t have been a damn thing I could have done. Rayne probably would have found me eventually, but God only knows what Russo could have done to me in that time.

Once I’m finished drinking, the bottle disappears from my mouth and his thumb brushes across my bottom lip gently. “What’s the second part of your punishment, Emerson?”

I feel my face heat as his words replay in my mind. “I’m not to come until you tell me to,” I say quietly.

“Exactly right.” Rayne smiles. “I’m not going to tie you up for this part, so I want you to be a good girl for me, okay?”

I nod quickly. “Okay.”

That same emotion I can’t quite place crosses his features before he repositions me in the middle of the bed. My limbs feel boneless as I sink into the mattress, but this is far from over. As much as I would love to curl up in this incredibly soft bed in Rayne’s arms, I know it’ll be a while before I have the chance.

Rayne leans over me, his face hovering just above mine as he unties the robe still wrapped around my body, his fingers light as they brush across the skin he reveals. He pushes it open and reveals my nakedness, his eyes trailing over every inch of skin as he reveals it. “Fuck,” he groans, his head dipping to kiss my neck, then my collarbone, and then a path to my bare breasts. He laps at one nipple, then the other, occasionally nipping at the sensitive nubs.

Every time his tongue touches my skin, it sends jolts of pleasure to my core, my pussy throbbing with need. He wants me writhing for him before he even thinks about touching me where I need him, and then he’s going to make me wait, make mebeg.

His mouth continues soft paths over my skin, kissing and licking, nipping and sucking as he explores every bit of bare flesh he can reach. If I wasn’t so fucking turned on, I would find it relaxing, but the need to squeeze my legs together, to relieve the pressure between my thighs is unbearable.

“Is my girl needy?” Rayne asks before his teeth sink into my hipbone, eliciting a sharp gasp from my throat.

“Yes,” I admit on a moan. My thighs squeeze together again, hoping for relief but all I get in return is a sharp slap to my sensitive pussy. I yelp at the sensation that’s not altogether painful.

“I’ll give you relief when I see fit and not a moment sooner,” Rayne growls. The softness he had as he held me melts away, and the man that remains is the man I’m used to. The cold, demanding version of Rayne that turns me on way more than he should.

Before I can respond, he has resumed his slow torture of my body. He’s driving me crazy with each flick of his tongue, each scrape of his teeth, each press of his lips. It’s intoxicating and maddening, and I can’t get enough.

I moan and writhe beneath him, only held in place with the hand he has on my hip. The sheer power behind his grasp should scare me, but his bruising hold only serves to make me squirm more. There are a lot of things that should scare me right now, and the irony of the situation isn’t lost on me. A few hours ago, I was held against my will. A man used his size and strength against me and very nearly violated me. And yet here I am, soaking wet from being punished and held down by Rayne.

“I can hear you thinking from here.” Rayne bites hard into the soft flesh of my stomach and I cry out. “Am I not giving you enough, sweet girl? Am I so terrible at holding your attention?”

“I’m sorry,” I whisper. “It’s just been a… big night.” I choose my words carefully, not wanting to set Rayne’s rage off when we’re just getting to the good part. I know he won’t hurt me. No matter how angry he is with me, no matter how mad I make him, he’ll never hurt me. That much I’m sure of. But I don’t want to ruin the moment, not when I’m finally going to feel him inside me.

Rayne’s features soften and the hand gripping my hip moves to cup my cheek. “I know. But I want you to focus on me, on what I’m doing to you. Can you do that for me?”

I nod. I couldn’t deny this man anything even if I wanted to. “I can do that.”

Rayne smiles down at me. “You are so fucking beautiful, Emerson. Your body, your taste, the little gasps you let out, it’s addictive.”

I let out a breathy moan and he smirks above me, seeing just how much he affects me. I’m starting to think I may be able to come from his words alone. Each time he speaks, I feel myself grow slicker. He’s toying with me, whether he realizes it or not.

Rayne moves down the bed, kissing and nipping as he goes until he’s laying between my thighs, his face close to my aching core. I’ve never felt so needy, so on edge, and I have to grip hold of the sheets to stop myself from dragging his face into my pussy. He said I can’t come until he tells me to, but I’m worried the moment his tongue makes contact with me I’m going to combust, and I have a feeling the punishment for coming without permission is going to be a hell of a lot worse than a spanking and some denial.


He looks up at me through hooded eyes, the darkness swirling with as much emotion as I feel in my chest. “Yeah, baby?”

“I’m worried I’m too sensitive,” I whisper. I can’t outright ask what the consequence would be, so I’m going to skate around the question and hope he tells me anyway. I don’t want to break the rules, I don’t want to disappoint him, but the way my body reacts to every touch, I would be remiss not to add some extra incentive to ensure I don’t.

“Is my girl worried she won’t be able to hold off her pleasure?” Rayne drags his tongue through my folds lazily and my body jolts.

“I want to,” I rush to defend myself. “But every time you touch me, I’m on edge.”
