Page 12 of Dead of Wynter

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“Do you know how many times I’ve jerked myself off at the thought of your pretty lips wrapped around my cock?” I ask. “Or the memory of your pretty pussy taking me so beautifully. Of you begging me to keep going even though I saw the pain in your eyes.” I’m taunting her now, bringing the memory of our night together to the surface. Before that, there were stolen kisses and slightly inappropriate touching from the moment she turned eighteen, but never anything more.

“You’re lying.”

A smirk tugs at my lips as I shake my head. “No, I’m not. There’s so much you don’t understand, Wynter, so much we had to keep from you for your own safety, but never doubt how much you mean to me. I gave up everything to keep you safe.”

She stares at me for long moments, assessing whether she believes the words I’m saying. “Why won’t you tell me why you left?”

“Because you’re grieving. You just lost your parents, and I don’t want to pile on top of that. Just believe me when I say I didn’t leave because I wanted to, or because you weren’t enough for me, or because I just wanted your virginity and nothing more, because none of that is true. If I could have been here with you every day for the last eight years, we would be married with three kids by now. But those weren’t the cards we were dealt back then.”

Her eyes widen at my words, and I can’t help but smile as I press a gentle kiss to her cheek. “You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved, Wynter. Why would I not want those things with you?”

“I just…” Her tongue darts out to wet her lips as she thinks about what she should say, and it takes every single ounce of strength not to lean forward and nip at it. Her breath on my cheeks is intoxicating and being this close to her while neither of us are fully dressed is dangerous. “I’m so confused,” she whispers, her eyes filling with tears. “I don’t understand why you would leave me if you loved me, if you wanted to marry me and have kids. It doesn’t make any sense. Part of me wants to believe you’re lying to me just to get back into my pants, but…”

“But you know me better than that,” I offer.

She nods, her eyes falling closed for a moment as she takes deep calming breaths.

“I promise I will tell you everything, dove. I’ll lay it all out on the table for you, and you can make your own judgments about me, but I can tell you one thing. I’m not going anywhere ever again. We are going to happen again. I will have you like I should have all those years ago, whether you’re willing to admit it or not.”

“What if I don’t want you anymore?” she challenges.

“But you do. Why would you be rubbing your pretty little pussy for me if you didn’t still want me?” I ask, tugging her hand away from where she grips the sheets and bring her fingers to my nose. Her familiar scent only makes me harder, but it feels like coming home. “You smell so sweet, dove,” I murmur. “That’s the last orgasm you have without my permission.”

“Excuse me?” Her brows raise and a look of defiance crosses her face.

“You heard me.”

“You wouldn’t even know, I don’t see how you’re going to enforce this rule.”

I chuckle. Oh, my little dove, how innocent you are. “I will know, and you will not like the consequences of disobeying me.”

Wynter worries her lip between her teeth, and I barely tamp down the groan that claws up my throat. I could be inside her in under thirty seconds, sinking deep into her tight pussy. But not yet. She’s not ready, and the next time I take her, she’ll know why I left in the first place, she’ll know that I never wanted to be away from her, and in a way, I never was.

Because I always knew where she was, what she was doing, and who she was with, and there’s a good reason her dating history is so short. Because I made it that way.



Having Everett so close is like sitting on top of a furnace. The heat his body emits is bordering on painful, and with each moment he hovers over my body, the more overheated I become. I’m trying to process what he’s saying, but none of it makes any sense.

Part of me wonders if he’s lying to me, and that would make the most sense, because nothing else he’s saying makes any, but despite all he’s done to me, despite how heartbroken I was when he left, I can’t think that he would do that to me.

“You are not controlling my orgasms,” I whisper.

I wish I was more sure of my voice, that I could trust it to be as strong as the words felt in my throat, but I know better. When Everett left, he wrecked me for all men. I didn’t trust them as far as I could kick them, so I rarely got close to them, rarely allowed them close enough to kiss me, let alone much of anything else, and every single man I did let close, that I liked and thought might like me back, ghosted me after a date or two. For a long time, I’ve wondered if I’m defective, if there’s something wrong with me that makes men run as fast as they can in the opposite direction. And that’s why I can’t trust Everett, and I certainly can’t trust myself around him.

“Oh, but I am, Wynter.” He smirks from above me.

“No, you’re not,” I hiss, bringing both hands to his chest and shoving as hard as I can manage, but he doesn’t budge. He just chuckles quietly.

“You will do what you’re told when you’re told, or you’ll be sitting on a very fucking red ass and being denied for weeks at a time.”

My mouth drops open as I stare at him incredulously. “You can’t do that.”

“Oh, but I can, dove. You’ve been warned, and if you choose to disobey me, you will suffer the consequences.”

I half laugh, panic rising in my chest. Logically, I know Everett would never hurt me, that he would never put me in any harm or give me more than I can handle, but there’s a voice in the back of my mind telling me to run. Everett doesn’t know me anymore, he doesn’t know what I’ve been through since he left, and I don’t think he would want to know the woman I’ve become.

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