Page 88 of Fall of Snow

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He collapses on top of me for just a second, just long enough that his weight settles me, and then he rolls onto his back and drags me on top of him, never allowing his cock to dislodge. He’s craving connection the way I am, and I’m not going to complain despite the dull ache between my thighs from his rough treatment.

We’re quiet for long moments, the only sound our rough breaths as we both try to recover from what we just did. Despite my constant insecurities since our wedding, I’ve had a nagging thought in the back of my mind, words I’m afraid to say because once I put them into the universe, I can’t take them back. Words that will change my entire life. Our entire life.

“I want to have a baby,” I murmur against his bare chest.

Elijah’s head pulls back as one of his palms turns my face to look at him. The emotions written on his face are mixed. Excitement. Concern. Happiness. Doubt.

“Not because I think you need an heir. I want to have a baby because I love you, and I want to make a little being that is half you and half me.” The image fills me with nothing but joy, despite how out of place a newborn will look in their father’s tattooed arms. “And if we can’t do it naturally, there are so many children who need a loving home, and I won’t love them any less because I didn’t grow them, as long as we’re raising them together, they’ll be a little bit of both of us.”

Elijah grasps the back of my head and pulls my face to his until our foreheads rest on one another. “There is nothing I want more than to see your belly swell with my baby. But we don’t have to put any pressure on it. You’re still recovering, and I know I was just rough with you, but I am conscious of that.”

“No rush, no pressure,” I agree. “But I want us to be on the same page.”

Elijah’s lips brush across mine, and the kiss is everything. It’s like a warm summer's day, and every Christmas rolled into one. It’s like everything falling into place after the start of our relationship being such a mess. And I never want it to end.

But when my phone starts buzzing on the bedside table, I groan. I don’t want anything to ruin this moment.

“Who the hell is calling at three in the morning?” I mumble, reaching across without moving from Elijah’s body.

Storm’s name lights up my screen and dread settles in my belly. “Hey.”

“I need you to come down to Empire,” he says in a rush. There’s something in his tone that doesn’t sound quite right, and it has me rolling off Elijah and tugging the sheet around my naked body.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“I just saved a girl from being bought by the Lounder Cartel. She was drugged, and if she wakes up to just me, I’m afraid she’ll panic.”

My stomach flips, and nausea rolls over me. “I’m on my way.”
