Page 33 of A Bossy Temptation

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Gina called me about an hour before I was scheduled to meet her and her friend for drinks.

I was laying down in bed reading a book while Will and Matt were in the kitchen cooking and laughing. I picked up after the first ring, secretly hoping she was calling to cancel so that I could go out there and join Matt and Will for movie night.

“Hey,” I said, putting my book to the side. “What’s up?”

“I was just calling to ask what you were wearing tonight,” she said. “Have you decided yet? I know you have a tendency to get a little nervous before things like this so I was thinking I’d help you out.”

“I’m really not that nervous,” I told her. And I meant it. “I think I’m just going to wear a black skirt and maybe a tank top? I don’t know. I have a black dress that could work too. I’ll decide in the moment I guess.”



“This is just so unlike you,” she said. “I was expecting to call and you would be freaking out over the whole prospect of going out with a guy.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m honestly perfectly calm. What’s the worst thing that could happen, you know? I either go out and I like this guy, and we have a good time, or I don’t like him and I make an excuse to go home early.”

“That’s true. But usually, it’s the actually liking someone part that makes people nervous.”

“Not me.”

“Since when?”

“Since I don’t know. Why are you giving me the third degree? Isn’t it a good thing that I’m not super nervous?” I sighed and got off my bed. “Don’t make me feel anxious over not being anxious enough!”

“That’s not what I’m trying to do,” she said. “Sorry. I’ll leave you alone. Let me know if you want to meet at the bar a little earlier than we planned, that way you and I can have a drink, just the two of us before Eric arrives.”

“That sounds great actually!”

“Good,” she said with a laugh. “Because I’m already here and if I don’t find someone to talk to quickly, the old guy across the bar from me is going to come over here and start telling me stories about the good old days, I can just feel it.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

We hung up and I started to get ready. I opted to go for the black dress, because it took less effort to style. I paired it with strappy black sandals and a white jacket. I put on a gold necklace my mom gave me at my college graduation, simple gold stud earrings, and tied my hair up in a messy bun. I had to watch the video tutorial on how to make the bun look cute while still appearing to be accidental, and it was a harder look to achieve than I had originally thought, but eventually it came out the way I wanted it. I grabbed the rest of my things and walked into the kitchen.

“That’s a pretty dress,” Will said when he saw me.

“Thanks.” I smiled down at him.

Matt turned around and looked surprised to see me outfitted this way. I felt a little embarrassed all of a sudden, under the scrutiny of his gaze, and a memory flashed through my mind of when he had told me I was stunning.Bothtimes he had told me I was stunning actually. The first time had been before we hooked up, and the second time had been right in the middle of it all, while I was laying on the bed, naked, wanting—

“That is a nice dress,” Matt said. “Where are you meeting Gina and her friend?”

“At a bar not too far from here. I should be able to walk.”

“In those shoes?”

I looked down and laughed. “They are comfier than you may think. So, what movie are the two of you going to watch?”

“What’s it called again?” Matt asked Will. “Diaryof something.”

“Diary of a Wimpy Kid,” Will answered. “But not the first one, the second one.”

I nodded. “I’ve seen all of them. At least, I think I have. The kids I used to nanny for loved those movies. I read a couple of the books too. They’re funny.”
