Page 68 of Lawless

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Then she’d deal with her town house and not having a place to live. Right now the combination of it all was too much to handle.

Especially when she was trying to grab hold of this conversation. “What are you saying?”

He snuggled in closer, careful not to jostle her or move the pillow. His face rested right above hers, and those dark eyes were as clear as she had ever seen them.

“My father wouldn’t have put aside his own needs and tried to rescue you.” Joel kissed her on the mouth, short and quick. “He wouldn’t love a strong woman like you.” This time the kiss lingered and heated. “He wouldn’t work for a place like the Corcoran Team. I am not him, nor will I ever be.”

Her heart jumped. It was as if she nodded off to sleep and woke up to him spouting the things she’d been telling him forever.

But he wasn’t spitting the words back. He believed. She could feel the confidence radiate off him.

“The fire convinced you?” If so, she might set up a permanent bonfire in the middle of her kitchen. On second thought...

“You did.” He smiled at her. One of those sexy smiles that had her toes curling. “You wouldn’t love a man not worth loving.”

Her fingers slid through his. “Exactly.”

“You certainly wouldn’t stick around waiting for him to wake up.”

Just like that, all the pain fell away. The loneliness and anger evaporated and the gut-wrenching fear vanished.

The strength in his voice and his unwavering eye contact would have convinced her if the kisses hadn’t. He wasn’t playing a role and nursing her through an injury or, if she guessed right, injuries. This was a man with staying power. The man she’d been hoping to see forever.

She raised their hands and kissed the back of his. “It’s as if you read my mind.”

“I love you more than anything.” His eyes grew serious. “I would walk away from my job, from civilization for you. Ask me for anything and I’ll give it to you.”

Right about now that sounded fine with her. All the death and danger rang in her head. She’d leave that behind in a second if it meant a lifetime with him.

“Hell, I’d move to a suburb for you.” He scowled as he said it.

She believed it and burst out laughing. The vibration moving through her had her grabbing her side when a shot of pain hit her. “Now, that’s love.”

He frowned as he reached for the nurse’s call button. “You okay?”

Hope stopped him with a touch of her hand. “I am now.”

“Don’t doubt my feelings for you. Ever.” He nuzzled her cheek. “Those have never wavered. Even when I lost my way and my mind, I loved you.”

From this man, it was a vow that meant everything. “I know. It’s part of what gave me hope that we could work through it.”

“There’s been no one else since the day I met you.” He buried his mouth in her neck. “There won’t be anyone else ever.”

This time she let the tear fall. It ran down the side of her face.

When it rolled onto him, his head popped up. He caught the second one with his thumb before it hit her cheek. “What’s this?”


He toyed with her fingers, touching each one. “I know I’ve failed you in the past.”

Rather than hold back, she went for it all. “I want a future.”

A huge smile lit up his face. “That I can make happen as soon as you get out of this bed.”

“I mean—”

“As soon as I convince you I’m staying, because I am, I’ll propose. We’ll do it right. Your father will eventually forgive me and give his blessing.”

“Joel.” His name came out as a breath. She’d say yes right now, and so would her dad, but she sensed Joel needed to do it his way.

He wanted to prove something to her. She already believed, but she certainly had no trouble with the idea of being wooed.

But they did have a more practical problem. “I think I need a new house.”

She didn’t think about all she’d lost. Those were things. Today she’d gained so much more.

“I was hoping you’d look for one with me. In Annapolis.” He was handing her everything yet he sat there looking sheepish.

“A future marriage proposal. A new town. A man I love with a new attitude.” She slipped her arms around his neck and planted a long kiss on his mouth. One that said something about her intentions once she got out of this bed. “A woman couldn’t ask for more.”

“Actually, I have two favors.”

His eyes sparkled as he said it, so she didn’t worry. “Uh-huh.”

He finally sat down on the bed next to her. The mattress dipped and he rubbed a hand over her stomach, making her forget about any pain. “Just for a while...”
