Page 17 of Debt of Honor

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“Isabella, I can’t stress enough that you need to follow the directions of your handler. He was hired to save your life using whatever methods necessary. I trust him and you need to as well. This is an important time.”

My father’s voice was all business as usual. I couldn’t remember a single time when he’d allowed me to see any emotions. There’d been no tears, no real happiness that he’d ever expressed. Only anger and disappointment.

An important time. For him. As if I gave a shit about his election. The sad part was I believed a part of the reason he wanted me safe was to ensure he’d become elected and have me by his side. I could never admit that to anyone.

I stared at him, unable to toss aside the resentment and uncertainty. I’d been playing a dangerous game and I’d already lost. He’d shown little interest in my work until recently. While I’d thought about telling him about the threats, I’d hesitated because I wasn’t entirely certain he’d care.

Dear God, I hated the man. The entire situation made me sick to my stomach. If only I could talk to my mother, but he’d never allow it. Besides, she’d been brainwashed by the man years ago.

“I’ll do what I can, Father,” I said curtly, shifting my gaze to the side. Cobra stood stoically at full attention, his rank against my father’s requiring him to follow certain protocol. That also made me sick to my stomach. “I know how important this election is to you.”

My father’s face turned bright red, his thin lips pursing. I’d struck a nerve.

“I will take care of your daughter, Mr. Vice President,” Cobra said, although I heard a hint of the angry tone I’d caught before. Whoever Cobra was and whatever he’d been through had driven a portion of his loyalty away as well. Then why was he doing this? Money? I suspected as much.

“I’m certain you will, Sergeant Stone. As a matter of fact, I’m holding you to it,” my father stated. While he was trying to be diplomatic, the snippy tone pissed me off. He believed most other humans to be underneath him. At least I’d learned of Cobra’s rank and his last name. I wondered if he’d ever trust me enough to share with me his first.

I doubted it.

A frigid wall had been placed between us.

“We will be out of contact in the morning, sir, as required by the director of our operations,” Cobra continued.

“I’ve been briefed. However, you will need to check in with your director often to learn whether the threat has been eradicated.” My father wasn’t even looking Cobra in the eyes.

I looked away, still frightened more by the video Cobra had shown me than the ramifications of my father’s continued explanation.

“Yes, sir. I am well aware of protocol.”

“Good, soldier. Make certain you follow it. The rest of your career is on the line.”

“Of course, sir. I’ll do my best.” Cobra bristled and I could already tell when he was angry. Right now, he was furious with the system and my father’s attitude.

“Take care, Isabella. You’re very special to me.” With that, my father cut the communication, leaving me feeling cold and saddened. I wasn’t special to anyone, unless it was to the very men who planned on using me just like my father had over the years. I was so disgusted I couldn’t think clearly.

And I felt useless, as if I didn’t matter at all to my father’s big plan of becoming president.

But you do matter, just not in the way you want.

The same nagging feeling I’d had for over a month gnawed at my insides. A part of me wanted to tell Cobra everything I’d experienced, but I didn’t know the man, and I certainly couldn’t trust him. I bit my lower lip, fighting to keep from laughing. We’d just had sex. I really was losing my mind.

There was absolute silence as the call ended. A lump formed in my throat, my gut churning. I hated the fact tears were forming again. I couldn’t break down. I refused to.

“I’m sorry,” I blurted out.

“What the hell are you sorry for?”

I hated his gruff tone. “My father can be an asshole. I know what you’re doing is admirable.”

His laugh was laced with such bitterness I cringed. “Right now, nothing I’m doing is admirable, Isabella. You need to get some sleep. We’re leaving this facility in a few hours.”

“You won’t tell me where we’re going. Will you?”

“It’s best not to at this point.”

“Because of the danger,” I chided. I was angry and upset with my father, terrified and anxious. “Danger that you and you alone can handle.”


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