Page 49 of Debt of Honor

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“That’s what you said before,” Isabella said far too quietly. The truth was hard to hear. “I’m sorry I invaded your office. This is all my fault.”

“I don’t think so. What did you tell your buddy in the CIA?”

She inched closer, grasping the back of my seat. When her fingers brushed against my shoulder, I gritted my teeth. “I told Dane about the threats and that I was fearful someone was trying to sabotage the formula. I also asked him to check the logins against known criminals.”

“Dane. You were on a first name basis.”

“Yes. He was my detail for a long time, since I was fifteen.”

“That’s interesting since he didn’t reach the White House until four years ago.”

She laughed. “My father had received several death threats over the years. Why does it matter? Are you jealous?”

I wanted to be incensed but a part of me felt a freaking twinge, which was ridiculous. “No, princess, just curious how close you two had gotten?”

“If you’re asking if the reason he was fired was because of inappropriate behavior then yes, at least that’s what my father thought. He never touched me. I had a huge crush on him as a teenager and flirted like crazy, but he never responded. But he was attentive, a friend when I had no one else to talk to.”

A friend. “Did you talk to him after you became a scientist?”

“I don’t know what my personal life has to do with this.”

“I need to know.”

“Jesus. We had coffee once.”

“Let me guess, you skipped out on your detail,” I said, glancing into the rearview mirror this time in order to catch a glimpse of her face.


I remained quiet.

“Yes,” she snapped. “Okay. I admit it that I thought maybe he and I could see each other. He had no interest.”

“Did you tell him what you were working on?”

“Why are you asking me this?”

“Because I have a feeling this plan has been in motion for longer than a few weeks.”

She remained very quiet then sighed. “I was just starting out and had some success. So yes.”

“Did you talk about your success over the phone?”

“Twice and yes, I talked to him about my fears. He encouraged me to continue. You really believe he has something to do with this?”

“I ain’t ruling anything out, sweetheart. Not a damn thing.”

Not a damn thing. My instincts were working overtime at this point. There was way too much going on behind the scenes.

* * *

Luck had been with us, at least for the rest of the drive. That meant shit as far as I was concerned. Leaving my weapons was taking a huge leap of faith that Jeremy would come through on his end.

We’d stopped at a local fast-food joint, grabbing a bite to eat as well as allowing Isabella to don what little of a disguise we’d been able to cobble together. I couldn’t hide her under a hoodie. That would attract far too much suspicion.

I stashed the car in a long-term parking lot, locking down the weapons in the steel box in the trunk. The chance of it being discovered was about fifty-fifty, although the darkness as well as the fact I’d removed the rear license plate after we’d stopped at the cabin could prevent the assholes from finding it. I was also assuming my identity hadn’t been determined, at least not yet. If she kept her head down and we acted like lovers, we’d stand a solid chance of getting on the plane unnoticed.

Unless the fuckers were located at every entrance. I knew the airport in Nashville. I’d flown in after my stint with the Marines had ended, taking almost an hour to scout out the airport in case leaving in a hurry was ever needed. Little did I know how true my premonition had been.

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