Page 91 of Debt of Honor

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I moved beside him. “When I contacted Dane, that changed everything.”

“He discovered your contact and knew that he’d have to alter his plan. You know, he was apologizing to me as the storm started in earnest.”

Sighing, I glanced out the window. “It’s hard to believe what he did.”

“I know. The pieces fell together at exactly the same time my instinct kicked in. The cabin is owned by my real father, a man I’ve never met.”

“The one your mother was in love with.”

Nodding, he had a faraway look. “My mother always told me that there’s only one person that’s truly meant for you. She found that person and couldn’t break free of the longing.”

“You should talk to your father. He’s family.”

He lifted his eyebrow. “Like you need to yours.” While there was a twinkle in his eye, I had a feeling he’d push me on the subject.

I took a deep breath, realizing I felt the same way. “You told Jeremy about the cabin.”

“Yes, during the night I saved him from jumping off a building. I’d forgotten I’d told him until something he said earlier in the evening finally caught up to me. He was testing me, giving me every opportunity to point fingers and I believed in him.”

“There’s nothing wrong with believing in people.”

His grin was both infectious as well as full of lust. “You were right about that, although the fact you went behind my back disobeying my orders is something I won’t forget.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m a very obedient girl.” He fisted my hair, dragging me close.

“No, but I’ll help you get there.”

I rested my head on his chest, listening to his rapidly beating heart. “Jeremy was hurt. Was he shot in the leg?”

“Yes, another red flag. The oldest trick in the book. The assassins who’d been sent were snipers. The fact Jeremy was only shot in the leg bore on me less than a minute after I’d walked away from him. That’s when I knew. He wanted the drive, still hoping he wouldn’t need to pull the trigger.”

“I wish I knew what to say.”

He half laughed. “There’s nothing to say, princess. We all make choices. To live. To die. To be happy. To honor whatever country we live in. I almost lost my sense of honor, but it was something you reminded me of with your staunch love of the people in this country. Not the politics. Just humanity. The truth is, I owe a debt of honor that likely will never be repaid and I’m fine with that.”

“What about your job?”

“That remains to be seen, but that’s fine with me. I plan on searching for happiness.” There was a grin on his face I didn’t expect, a quiet moment shared that meant more to me than I could express.

“And how do you plan on doing that?”

“Hmmm…” he said as he allowed his heated gaze to float all the way to my shoes. “I plan on finding a princess and building a castle.”

“Oh, you do, huh? Do you have someone in mind?”

“I thought I’d put an ad in the paper.”

“You do and the bitchy side of me will come out.” I took a playful swing at him, still finding it difficult to believe he was safe. Whether or not I learned the details of how he’d handled the situation no longer mattered. Just having him in my life was all that was important.

“I would expect no less.” He took my hand, rolling his thumb across my knuckles.

“What’s on your mind?”

“There’s something I wanted to talk to you about for a few days.”

“Okay. You’re married. You’re here to break my heart.”

His smile waning, he reached into his pocket, pulling out an envelope. “Jeremy lost his belief in a lot of things, but he knew how much I cared about you and even though he betrayed everything I thought he believed in, he used his contacts for a final decent reason.”

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