Page 8 of Neighbor Nik

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“Come on,” Rita snapped after tossing a dish towel onto the counter. “Don’t want you to get lost finding your way out.”

I snorted at her sarcasm. It would be my horrible luck that I liked everything about the woman I wasn’t supposed to like or pursue. Maybe that was it. I only wanted Rita because she was forbidden. That had to be it.

She opened the door and gestured, waving me out. “Make sure to be sick or have to work Sunday, okay?”

Her request stopped me in my tracks. “You want me to lie to Lucia?”

“Don’t act appalled. I’m sure you’re quite familiar with lying.” She started to close the door, but I stuck my foot in the way.

“Come here.” I reached for her hand and tugged her out onto the porch.

She gasped and swatted her hand at me. “What are you doing? Don’t touch me.”

“Why? Because I get your juices flowing?”

“Believe me, the only juice you get flowing is stomach acid. And even if I did like you, I don’t screw around with another woman’s man.”

I grinned, caging her in against the wall. “So you do want to screw me.”

“Is that all you can think about? No. I don’t. I don’t even like you. Now go on, I have a date to get ready for.”

The muscles in my neck coiled. “What date? With who?”

“Neighbor Nik, that is none of your business.” She ducked under my arm and had the door open before I could stop her. “Good-bye.”

“You don’t really have a date.”

“Oh, but I do, and he gets my juices flowing like a waterfall.” She closed the door and left me standing there with my hands fisted. I was ready to beat the crap out of any man who dared to touch Rita Rocha.

What the fuck was happening to me?

I stalked across the street to my house on the verge of exploding. I couldn’t feel whatever the hell I was feeling for Rita. It had to stop. Stop now.

After work, I’d drink a little and find me a blonde to bring home. I couldn’t be with a brunette anymore. I’d imagine she was Rita.




I tucked my phone into my back pocket, grabbed the Belgian waffle and sausage from under the heat lamp, and took it to my customer.

“Hey, what’s up?” Toni hip-bumped me while I stewed near the water station.

I hadn’t told her about Nik moving in or having dinner with him at my place. I dreaded going home because this evening, Granny had wanted him to bring his girlfriend to dinner.

I pinched my face tight, bracing for Toni’s reaction. “It’s a guy.”

“Excuse me? Did you say guy?” Toni’s blue eyes darkened as she narrowed them at me.

“He moved into Bea’s house across the street three days ago. Her grandson, Nik.”

Toni grabbed my arm and squeezed. “Three days ago!” she whisper-shouted and squeezed my innocent arm even harder. “After work, you’re telling me everything. Promise?”

I nodded. “Promise.”

We were in my car two hours later with the AC blasting. Toni had a stupid grin on her face. I knew she’d totally be into me hooking up with Nik, but I didn’t want to only have sex with him. There was something about him, a vibe that made me want so much more than dirty, likely mind-blowing sex.
