Page 50 of Lifeguard Leo

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“Wow, your place is just like all those YouTubers,” Jack said.

“It’s Leo’s house,” I said, correcting him.

“It’s our home,” Leo said from behind me. “Mr. and Mrs. Smith, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He shook hands with them.

I quickly pointed out my siblings. “Leo, that’s Jack, Jessica, Melody, and Abby.”

Leo waved at them. “Please come in. Food is on the table. Drinks are in the fridge. Help yourselves. Don’t be shy.”

“Don’t give them free rein, or they’ll go wild.”

Leo laughed. “It’s okay, Red. I want them to be comfortable here.”

“How generous of you, Leo,” Mom said with a smile. The twinkle in her eye told me she approved. But I had already known she did for a few weeks. The day Leo and I took the pregnancy test, I called her. Since then, we’ve talked at least once a week. Strangely, we seem a lot closer now. “How are you feeling, Scar? Is the morning sickness getting any better?”

“Better than I have for weeks. Yesterday I didn’t wake, bolting for the toilet.”

Leo kissed the side of my head and rubbed my back, then turned toward my dad. “Mr. Smith, can I interest you in a beer?”

“I’d love one. Great place you have here…”

Mom and I watched them walk off together. “How’s Dad with all this?”

“Better. He was shocked at first. But he’s coming around. Leo scored major points when he had you quit your job at the club.”

“Oh gosh, I’m happy about it myself. I just don’t want to mooch off him, you know? I should pay my own way.” I leaned in and lowered my voice so Leo didn’t hear me. We were deliriously happy and in love, but I didn’t want to pressure him about marriage. “We aren’t married so it feels weird not contributing to maintaining his house. He won’t even let me pay the internet bill.”

Mom copied me and spoke softly. “Well, are you still struggling to pay your bills?”

“No, she’s not,” Leo replied, startling me. “We’ve paid off her bills. What she makes teaching dance is her money.”

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Mr. Nosy had me show him my bills when I moved in last month. Then he promptly paid them off. He didn’t even blink as he paid off my car and student loans. Later he told me he had a trust fund he hardly touched. There was no arguing with Leo regarding the topic of sharing his money. The man was crazy generous. I loved him so much and appreciated everything he had done for me.

“Red, you should show your mom and mine the baby’s room.”

“Oh, I’d love to see it.”

“I’ll get Laney and my mom and send them your way.” He winked and kissed me.

“We haven’t done anything to the room,” I told my mom.

“Aw, he’s just excited. Let him be.”

“I am. He takes doting father to a whole new level, and the baby won’t be here for seven more months.”

“I think it’s precious. And to think he wouldn’t settle down. He looks awfully content.”

“He is. We both are. I’ve never been happier.”

Mom put her arm around me as I led her to the nursery. A moment later, Laney and her mom, Toni, entered, along with Carol.

“Neutral colors are the way to go if you’re not finding out the gender,” Mom said.

“I agree. But are you not finding out?” Carol asked.

“We haven’t decided. I want to know but Leo wants to be surprised, though he’s insistent it’s a boy. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was right. He’s been right thus far about everything.”

“Honey, he was always right when he was a little boy too. I have a lot of regrets with Leo. I hope to make it up to him. I will be a better grandmother. You can count on it.”
