Page 27 of Effing Eli

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“You know, not everyone is ready to have a baby at the same time. I think men are different. Slower at getting to the same place than women. Then some women like me will never get there.”

I sighed. “I suppose. But he could have compromised. He was so obsessed with his career. I got the leftovers.”

“Well, it’s not like you didn’t know he was controlling with a healthy streak of selfish.”

“I know. He’s still controlling and I’m willing to bet selfish.”

“So then why sleep with him?”

I took another gulp to buy me a couple of seconds. “Because Eli’s amazing in bed.”

Davina hiked an eyebrow and swirled the wine in her glass. “That all? I think there is more to it.”

“Isn’t dinner ready yet?”

“Don’t deflect. You know how I feel about him letting you end your happy marriage. And it was a good one, aside from the baby issue. You were each other’s best friend. You guys were supposed to make it.”

I made a sad face. It took her years to recover from Mick breaking up with her for another woman. That was a decade ago.

“Just say it, Autumn. You’ve never stopped loving him. I think you should give him a chance.”

I stared at her, utterly shocked and speechless.

“You’re going to be in Manhattan with him for four days. Tell me you won’t sleep with him again.”

“Cindy and Louis are going with us.” But yeah, I’d thought of sleeping with him. After the drought I’d been in, Eli replenished me and had me thirsty for more.

“That means nothing. It’s not like you’re sharing a room with Cindy.”

“I’m scared. What if he’s manipulating me?”

“You don’t really believe that, do you?”

I scrunched up my face. “No.”

“No. Because Eli’s a lot of things, but manipulative is not one of them.”

“Not true. He didn’t wear a condom the other—” I covered my mouth quickly. I hadn’t told Davina that part before.

“What?” She was off the couch and snatched my glass out of my hands. “How can you be drinking if you might be pregnant?”

“It… It never occurred to me.” I put my hand to my stomach. “Shit. Do you think it’s possible?”

“Yes, I definitely do. We’re on the same cycle. My app told me I was ovulating this weekend.”

Now I was off the sofa. “Maybe I was in heat like all the women at the SJI party.”

Davina started laughing. “That’s probably why you asked him to take care of you. You were horny.”

“Why didn’t you tell me we were ovulating?”

“Well, shit. It never crossed my mind. Why don’t you get your own period app? You depend on me too much with this stuff.”

“That’s because you’re neurotic about it. What am I going to do?” Tears pooled in my eyes. “If I end up pregnant, a one-night stand wasn’t how I wanted it to happen.”

Davina reeled me into her arms. “Aw, babe. It’s not like Eli is a stranger. You said you had a terrific night. Making a baby while having raunchy sex isn’t a bad thing.”

“It wasn’t raunchy. He made love to me when I wanted him to fuck me.”
