Page 20 of Fireman Fox

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“He’s okay. Not my type though. See ya.”

“Not your type?” Laura blurted in surprise. “He’s super cute, Gillian.”

“I need more than a super cute guy, Laura. I need a strong connection. And intense passion. Trust and respect. He needs to feel like home.” I sucked in a breath as the last part fell from my lips. They were my mother’s words. She’d told me once that the right guy would feel like home. That my dad was her home.

The glossy sheen in my dad’s eyes told me he remembered her saying that too.

“Well, how will you know if Ty isn’t that guy if you don’t at least try?” Laura just didn’t get it. I was sure she never would.

As much as I wanted to shout from the rooftops that I already found the right guy for me, I couldn’t. “Because I just know Ty isn’t the one. Why waste both of our time? I’m not looking for just a fling or to have fun. I want the real deal. True love.”

I stared at my dad. He looked sick to his stomach. Had my words resonated with him? Was he only with Laura out of companionship? Did he not love her? I didn’t recall him ever saying he loved her. Wow. Why hadn’t I ever asked him about her before?

“I should’ve known better than to play matchmaker. You’ve always known what you wanted. You’re about long-term relationships, not short-term fun like most kids your age.” He winked. “You’re wise beyond your years, sweetie. Now, go on and have a good time. Love you.”

My heart. I felt like the worst daughter in the world. “Love you too, Dad.” I rushed out of the house, blinking back tears. I didn’t stop running toward the parking lot as if I was heading toward Ann’s car. I made a sharp right and slowed my steps.

Just breathe.

I wouldn’t feel this way if I’d just been honest with my dad. I never lied to him about anything. He was beyond the coolest dad ever. He’d helped me when I had my first period. Took me shopping for prom dresses. Let me have slumber parties and even goofed off with my girlfriends. He did all the things my mom didn’t get to do just so I could have a semi-normal life.

And how did I repay him? By lying to him and disrespecting him.

I approached Grayson’s door, feeling lower than low. It opened before I could knock. Without a word, Grayson reeled me inside and shut the door.

It was as if he felt my pain and tried to absorb it so I wouldn’t be sad. How did he know just from one look? Because he wasmyGrayson Fox. We had a connection. Intense passion.

He was my home.

He buried his fingers in my hair and held my head firmly. His warm whiskey-colored eyes searched my face. Love and understanding poured out of them. “It’ll be okay, baby girl.” His lips went to my temple. His gravelly voice was gone, replaced with a buttery smooth, sexy one. I wasn’t sure which I liked more, but he had me atbaby girl.

“Do you really believe it will be okay?” I didn’t like how we kept revisiting this topic, but if he genuinely believed we’d be okay, I would too.

“You have to know it won’t be easy. When Travis finds out, it could end our friendship.”

“Are you sure you want that? To destroy your friendship with my dad? What about Jared and Don? The four of you have been practically glued at the hip for over a decade. I don’t want to be the reason you lose them.”

“You think losing you is better?” He squeezed me tightly. “Fuck no, it isn’t, Gillian. All year I’ve worked myself into the ground. Spent all my time at the gym. I avoided anything to do with you because not seeing you hurt too much.”

“It killed me being away from you. The imagination is wicked, you know. Whenever I was lonely, I would often think of you with a brunette like we are right now. I thought I wasn’t your type.”

He chuckled. “You have it wrong. First off, I was never like this with any woman. I’d only fuck them to get you out of my head. They had to be brunettes because blondes made me think of you.” He grimaced as if in pain.

“Seriously?” I gaped in utter shock. “I guess I can’t be too upset. I did the same at New Year’s when I kissed a guy who reminded me of you.”

“Don’t tell me about guys you’ve been with, sweetheart. I might hunt them down and beat the crap out of them.” His arms wrapped around me.

Homewhispered in my ear. All my fears faded as I inhaled his unique scent of soap and cologne. It was the same for as long as I could remember.

Homerepeated in my head.

His large hand rubbed up and down my back. His strong, steady heartbeat against my chest said he wasn’t worried. Confidence radiated off Grayson.

I was in awe of him.

He meant what he said. I trusted him. We’d get through it together.

