Page 41 of Illicit Ire

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“My nuts.” He barely got the words out as he cupped his crotch and fell to his knees.

Sugar came down the stairs, her eyes wide.

All I could do was get to my feet and back away from the giant man with tears rolling down his face. With each step I took, regret washed down on me. I recalled him now. He’d never talked to me, but he was Drew’s friend. He was Drew’s MC brother.

What had I done?

Storm appeared beside me. “What the fuck is going on?” He glanced down at me. “You. Didn’t I tell you to stay in the kitchen?”

I tried to steel myself, despite my entire body shaking. “I want to see Ire.”

Storm disregarded me and went to Wolf. “Brother, you gonna be okay? Want Patch to have a look?”

Wolf growled ferociously.

“No? Okay, then.” Storm faced me. “Why’d you kick him? He’s a gentle Russian giant.”

“I’m so sorry about that.” I glanced at Wolf on the floor. “I kind of lost my sense of reality for a second. I thought he was going to hurt me.” I stared at the poor Russian. “I’m so sorry, Wolf.”

He growled, this time softly.

Sugar patted his back. “That means it’s okay.”

“No, it’s not okay.” Storm hiked a displeased brow. “You can’t go around kicking guys in the balls, Ava. It’s never okay.”

“Ire told me it was okay.” I jutted my chin out. “He told me if I was ever in danger or afraid, to go straight for the balls. To give it my all.”

Storm sighed, placing his hands on his hips. “You weren’t in danger. Not here in the club.”

“But I didn’t know that.” Wolf was larger than Drew and had a gnarly beard. The dim lights had made him look like a deranged killer coming for me. “I’m sorry. I panicked.” I wiped the tears off my face.

“You should’ve listened to me,” Storm hissed. “I was trying to protect you from getting triggered coming down here.”

Dang it. I hadn’t even thought about having a flashback of the night I had been brought here. I was too concerned about Drew, desperate to be with him.

Bad call, Ava.

“I appreciate you thinking of me, but keeping me from Ire is wrong. He needs me.”

Storm’s jaw twitched. “This is my club. I’m the president, and you need to do as I say.”

“Oh my gosh. Are you always like this?” I stood taller, finally getting my bearings. “Unless you want to join the Russian giant over there holding his crotch, you better take me to Ire right this second.”

Tina and Sugar snickered.

“There you go, honey. Find your grit.” Tina gave me a thumbs-up.

“No. Not find her grit at our expense.” Storm pointed his finger at me. “Not cool. Don’t ever threaten me again, especially the family jewels.”

“Storm.” Lynx popped his head out of a room. “He’s awake.”

“Drew? I mean… Ire?” I trotted down the hallway, then was stopped hard when someone grabbed my arm.

Storm whirled me around. “This is my club, Ava. You don’t get to go off half-cocked like you own the joint.” He jerked his chin toward Tina and Sugar. “Watch her. She can come in after me.”

“You are a meanie! Ire will wring your neck for not letting me go in there. Trust me, he’ll beat your ass, Prez.” I crossed my arms over my chest. If possible, steam would bellow out of my ears; I was so fired up.

Storm growled, then disappeared into the room and shut the door.

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