Page 52 of Hustler's Hope

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“Don’t push her too hard to open up to you, or you might push her away.”

“Why do I feel like I want to beat the shit out of someone?” I fisted my hands and squeezed them. “I can’t wait until we get the prick who hurt her. But right now, I’m feeling a lot of hate toward Hope’s parents, and I don’t even know if they did anything wrong.”

“You care about her, and she’s pregnant with your baby, so you want to protect and defend her.”

“I want retribution.”

“You’ll get it, son.” She nudged me toward the car door. “You should get going. Let me know if you need anything. And take care of your girl.” She waved, heading back to the house.

“I will. Thanks for everything.”

Before I left, I searched for Nova. She was hopping around on the grass and doing cartwheels. I could tell she was talking a mile a minute. Probably about the baby. Everyone in the house knew she wanted a brother. She reminded me a lot of Piper when she was Nova’s age, same hair color and eyes, same perfect nose. It was good to see my niece smiling instead of sad.

Nova was a well-adjusted, happy little girl despite not knowing her dad for a short part of her life. She at least had an excellent mom. Anyone could see how much Karma loved Nova, how she’d do anything to protect her daughter. They were super close, like Lady M and Piper.

I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have a little girl look at me with adoring eyes like I hung the moon for her. My daughter would have green, adoring eyes like her mother’s.

My chest burned as Hope’s beautiful face flashed in my head. What had she gone through to make her want to be alone and push people away who were too nice to her?

Hope could push me away all she wanted, but I wasn’t going anywhere. I might not know how to help her or care for a baby, but I knew how to love a person and protect them. I’d learned from the best: my parents.



A quiet but firm knock had my heart leap into my throat. To say having a man come to my home unnerved me was a gross understatement.

“He’s here.” I wasn’t sure if I was happy or terrified to see him. Eventually, he’d expect to know more about me, but I didn’t want to tell him anything if he wasn’t sticking around. It had taken nearly two years before I let myself get close to Mercy. After four years of friendship, she still didn’t know how horrible my childhood had been.

“Relax, I got it.” Mercy went to the door.

After my nap, I moved out to the living room sofa. I didn’t want to be alone in my bedroom anymore, so we putGame of Throneson and vegged out.

“Hey, Mercy.” Hustler entered, looking hotter than an exploding volcano in his leather vest and tight-fitting jeans.

“What’d you bring?” she asked him.

“Just a few things and some food my mom made.” He took the bags to the kitchen and set them on the counter.

I sat up and brushed my fingers through my hair. The apartment had an open concept floor plan, with the kitchen open to the living room. It made it easy to see Levi.

His gaze met mine, and he smiled, oh so charmingly. He put a baking dish on the table and made a beeline for me.

My heart rapped against my ribs.Warningflashed in my head like a neon sign. Would he kiss me? Did I want him to?

Would I regret letting him into my life?



I hoped not.

“Did you sleep?” His lips descended on mine, and his hand gently cradled the back of my neck.

I melted.

Warning, warning.

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