Page 81 of Sweet Talking Man

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''No guests tonight?"

''No, but tomorrow I'll have two older ladies who are here for a garden tour."

"Do those ladies know it's February?"

Abigail smiled. "I think they're researching formal garden layouts for an article or something. What do I care? I want their money."

"So bloodthirsty," he said with a mischievous smile. "Your cell phone is on, right?"

She nodded.

"And Birdie is asleep?"

She nodded again.

"Then give me a few more minutes before you get dressed and run from me."

Abigail frowned. "I'm not running from you. I have to go home. I have a kid."

"Understood, but it's like dating two different people with you. Here, you're a vixen, shedding clothes, driving me crazy with sexy underwear and your considerable fellatio skills."

Abigail smiled. "I am good."

"Understatement," he teased, tugging the sheet so it covered the juncture of her thighs. He lifted her hand above her head, before pulling the shoulder beneath her forward. "There. But tomorrow you'll be buttoned-up, putting down shelf paper and pretending me away".

"I could never pretend you away."

"You know what I mean. Now relax."

Abigail sank into the softness of Leif’s bed, trying to put away her nagging worries about Birdie, Cal, and all the heart-shaped boxes she was supposed to make for the St. George's Valentine's Day luncheon. "See, your mouth has a sensual curve. I love to nibble your lower lip. So sweet. And the way you taste... I'd say cherries, but that's trite. It's unique to you-spicy, yet sweet. Clean, yet sultry."

"Minty, yet garlicky?" she added.

She was certain Leif smiled, but she wasn't sure. Languor settled over her, a sudden need to close her eyes with it.

"I love your hair. So thick, and that swoop of silver so stylish and unexpected. Just like you."

"I almost covered it with color."

"Don't you dare," he said, the sound of the pencil moving filtering through her senses. "And your neck's elegant, another place I love to taste my sweet Abs.”

She shivered, thrilled at his soft words of romance.

He made her feel so... so... alive.

To Leif, she was a desirable woman. She'd for gotten how powerful being wanted made her feel.

''And here-" he brushed the curve of her waist beneath her breast"-so feminine with the dips and hollows. Makes me want to lose myself in you."

"Such pretty words," she murmured.

"Only the truth," he said, the scratching of the pencil ceasing. She opened one eye a crack to find him studying his sketch before he raised his gaze to her. "Look."

He turned the pad around and she gasped.

The sketch was rough but so lifelike... and she looked like a seductress.

"Wow, that's …I look so different."

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