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That simple word pooled pleasure in her belly, and she felt her cheeks ignite in a soft blush. “Thank you. You look very nice, as well. Like the paisley bow tie.”

“Paisleys are making a comeback.”

“Well, then,” she said with a smile. “Should I go back to my car and follow you to the right place?”

“It’s not far and we can walk as long as you’re good in those heels.” His gaze slid down her body again, landing on her toes. And again, she felt the heat of his perusal. Her body hummed and she reminded herself not to be seduced by Brennan Henry. Teeth and bloody stumps and—

He smiled—a secret little masculine smile that told her there was more on his mind than a stroll—and she forgot about warning herself. He glanced at the lights twinkling above them.

“I’ve decided to like Christmas lights,” he said, a slight huskiness in his voice.

“Oh? Well, these are pretty.”

Christmas music played softly in the background, almost drowned out by the shrieks of children on the carnival rides. The night was festive and magical already.

He took her elbow, and she curved her arm through his, pleased to have the solid warmth of a man next to her.

“Have you ever been to City Park Storyland or ridden the carousel before?”

She shook her head. “I’ve taken walks in the park and even went to a concert by some philharmonic but never visited this part before. Guess I have no reason to ride the carousel or tilt-a-whirl.”

“Now, that doesn’t sound like the Mary Paige I know. You seem the type of woman who’d do whatever she wished as long as it made her smile.”

“You don’t really know me, do you? I’m not all about pleasure, Brennan.” God, the way she said it made it sound like it was about sex.

Bingo. His body tightened beneath her hand.

“What I mean is I pay attention to consequences, to the impact on others, to social responsibility. Ugh, this is not coming out right. What I mean is—”

“You wanna ride the tilt-a-whirl?”

“Wha—” She snapped her mouth closed and looked at the spinning cars. “You want to ride that? In these clothes?”

Brennan nodded, something she couldn’t read hidden in the depths of those eyes that didn’t seem so cold this evening. “I haven’t done it since I was a small boy, and oddly enough, I don’t think I can leave Storyland without riding it. You’re exactly the person I want to do it with.”

She didn’t know whether to be insulted or flattered. “But we’re dressed like…this.” She indicated her gown.

“I like the irony. Storyland and the Carousel Gardens. You looking like Cinderella, and a rollicking ride.” He pointed in that direction. “Come on. Let’s do it.”

Mary Paige really didn’t want to hike up her dress and climb on a carnival ride, but something inside her nudged her to fulfill this man’s request. Perhaps riding the tilt-a-whirl proved Brennan was fallible, silly…human. “Yeah, let’s go ride the tilt-a-whirl in heels and a bow tie.”

He grinned, and she caught sight of the boy he must have been at one time. Something about his expression motivated her to do whatever the man wanted her to do. Tilt-a-whirl? Sex? Rob a bank? Whatever. Sign her up. “I’ll get the tickets. You get in line.”

“This is going to make us late,” she called to his retreating back. He didn’t turn around because obviously he was a man on a mission. She looked around, feeling like she’d been plunked down in Oz. She lifted the hem of her gown. Nope. No ruby slippers.

So, she got in line behind two preteen girls who kept looking at her with curious stares.

Well, yeah. She’d stare at a woman in a full-length gown standing in a line for a carnival ride, too. In fact, lots of people stopped, stared, and then whispered. One man laughed.

She felt Brennan before he spoke—maybe because he smelled of expensive leather or something rich-guy like. Then he touched her, and she felt her pulse speed out of control.

“I got the tickets. You ready to ride?”

Was she? Ready to ride? Because suddenly it felt more than a carnival ride. Maybe she was in line for something more with Brennan.

How had stopping for coffee and a pair of ugly socks landed her in Storyland, dressed in a ball gown, standing next to a prince…a miserly, grumpy, and greedy prince, but one she felt herself softening toward. Oh, she knew she couldn’t have this prince forever and ever.

But maybe she could take a ride with him?
