Page 14 of Red Wine and Roses

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Cameron’s gaze flickered toward her when she said that. Was he hoping that she was interested in one of them and would leave him alone? She smirked to herself. No, and she wasn’t going to fool herself that that was it. He might be blowing hot and cold, but he was interested. The look on his face confirmed it for her. Men never hid jealousy well, even when it was just a tiny spark.

~ ~ ~

The evening flew by. Cameron was thoroughly enjoying himself. He’d wondered how Cole was liking life up here. He couldn’t picture his brother living in a small town with no nightlife to speak of. Now he understood. Summer Lake was a great place. The resort was comfortable, enjoyable. And the people were great. They weren’t small town, small-minded types. They all had careers and interests and lives of their own. They were his kind of people. Perhaps not the sort he usually hung out with, but definitely the sort he’d like to. He couldn’t imagine there ever being any backstabbing or bitchiness here. There was no competitiveness, no one-upmanship—well, except between Cole and Laura—there was just a bunch of people who cared about each other and enjoyed each other’s company. He loved it.

He looked up as Cole and Laura got to their feet. He’d been so lost in his musings again, he hadn’t heard them say they were leaving.

“Do you want to call me in the morning?” Cole asked him.

He shook his head with a smile. “I’ll wait for you to call me.”

“Thanks,” said Laura.

He knew they rarely got any time to themselves, and he didn’t want to intrude on it. And besides, if he was honest, he was happy just being here. He was ready to help with anything they needed to be done, but he was fine to just hang out, too.

Pete raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you want to come up to North Cove?”

Jack nodded. “We need to get home to Isabel, but we’d love you to come up.”

“Thanks, but I think I’m going to stay here.” He turned to look at the stage where the band was playing. “They’re good.”

“Okay,” said Jack.

His wife Emma grinned at him. Cameron liked her, and she seemed to have a thing about trying to get him and Piper together.

“You two have fun,” she said.

He tried not to smile. He’d thought Cole and Laura were the only ones leaving early, but once they’d gone, the others soon followed. After a while, he and Piper were the only ones left.

“I guess they don’t do late nights around here,” she said with a smile.

“I guess not.” He wondered if she was about to leave, too. Part of him hoped she wouldn’t; part of him thought it’d be better if she did.

Chapter Five

Ben appeared and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the almost empty table. “They all left?” he asked incredulously.

Piper smiled. “I was wondering if it’s my perfume.”

Cameron laughed and shook his head at her.

Ben smiled. “I think you’re safe there.” He shook his head. “I was coming to see what everyone wanted to drink. I was about to sit down for a while and chat.”

“Why don’t you?” asked Cameron. “We might be new faces, but I don’t think we’re terrible company.” He looked at Piper. “Or are we? Is that why they all left?”

“No, it definitely wasn’t that.” She had the feeling he was asking if she enjoyed his company, and she wanted him to know that yes, she did.

“Okay. What do you want?” asked Ben. “It’s on me.”

Cameron got to his feet. “No, you sit down, take a load off, and I’ll go find us a good bottle of wine.”

Ben grinned. “If you insist.”

Piper watched Cameron disappear inside the bar then smiled at Ben. He raised an eyebrow at her. “Did I just barge in where I’m not wanted?”

“No! Not at all.”

He gave her a knowing smile. “Are you sure? I feel like I’ve blundered into the middle of things between the two of you twice this evening.”
