Page 16 of Red Wine and Roses

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“That’s right.” He turned to Piper and reached his arm around her to steady her as she stood to join them. It was an instinctive move, but she wasn’t prepared for the jolt of energy that went buzzing through her. Her heart raced, and she met his gaze. He felt it too, his eyes were wide. She looked away quickly.

“Nice to see you again, Piper. How are you settling in?” asked Charlie.

“So far, so good, thank you.” Her voice trembled, and when she looked up at Cameron, she was reassured. Whatever current had buzzed through them both had left him as shaken as it had her.

“Great. Well, I’m sorry to steal him away from you, but I’d like to take my husband home if you don’t mind?”

“Of course. It was great to see you both.”

Ben nodded. “Are you two going to be okay?”

Cameron smiled reassuringly. “I’ll make sure she gets home safely.”

Piper gave him a puzzled look, but Ben smiled. “Okay, well, we’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Goodnight,” called Charlie as they walked away.

Piper reached for her purse. “I should get going, too.” It was probably best to remove herself from the situation. With everyone gone, there’d be no more hiding or dancing around their attraction—and she wasn’t sure she wanted to face it yet.

The disappointment showed on Cameron’s face. “Don’t you want to help me finish the wine?”

She looked at the bottle, then up into his eyes. Damn, she could stare into his eyes for hours. They were so blue, and right now they held a question that was about so much more than the wine.

“Do you want me to?”

He nodded slowly.

“Do you think we should?” she asked. He was nodding, but he didn’t seem too sure.

“It might not be the best idea, but you have to admit, it’s tempting.”

It was. Far too tempting. She smiled and sat back down.

~ ~ ~

“Hey, Cam.”

Cameron turned and smiled. “Hey. I hope you didn’t come down here just for my sake? I’m a big boy, I can take care of myself, you know. I’m enjoying this; I could get used to it.”

Cole smiled and sat down opposite him. “It looks like you already are. It’s good to see you relaxing.”

Cameron nodded. “I like it.”

Cole looked around. “And you’re by yourself?”

Cameron’s smile faded momentarily. “For now. I had breakfast with Piper.”

Cole raised an eyebrow. “Does that mean what I think it does?”

Cameron shrugged.

“Well, does it, or not?”

“Actually, it doesn’t. Not that it’s any of your business.” He pushed his sunglasses up and rested them on top of his head. “We hung out last night after you’d all left. We had fun. She’s amazing. We polished off a bottle of wine, and I thought about it. We both did, but for some reason, I’m holding back, and she is, too.”


Cameron shrugged. “Maybe it’s just because my big brother is so disapproving for some reason.”
