Page 42 of Red Wine and Roses

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She laughed. “Okay, grouch. Forget I asked.”

“Sorry, Gene was supposed to be back half an hour ago, and I’m waiting to leave. I don’t want to get started on anything and then have to go. What did you want?”

“It’s okay. I don’t need anything, I was just trying to distract you while you wait.”

He gave her a hard stare. “Is that true?”

“Kind of. I’m tearing my hair out over the seating plan for next weekend. I wanted to see if you can find a way to keep Larissa away from Mel without putting either of them anywhere near Natasha. It’s your cat fight.”

Cameron made a face. He’d forgotten all about the dinner next weekend. “Can we uninvite them all? That’d make life easier.”

Mary Ellen shook her head. “No, we cannot, and before you even suggest it, you can’t uninvite yourself either.”

He gave her a rueful smile. He’d love to skip it, but he knew that wasn’t an option. It was a fundraiser dinner he hosted every year for the children’s wing at the hospital. “Are you sure?”

“Yup. There’s no getting out of it. Not even for your new lady.” She raised her eyebrows. “Are you bringing her?”

Cameron blew out a sigh. He’d like to. He hadn’t planned to, but only because he’d forgotten about the whole thing and was planning to go to see her. “I don’t know.”

“I don’t blame you. I don’t think throwing her to the wolves would be the best way to introduce her to your world.”

Cameron nodded. Mary Ellen wasn’t the only one who’d noticed that he wasn’t entertaining the ladies like he normally did. That and his disappearing every weekend had the grapevine humming with rumors that he had a new girlfriend. He wasn’t sure he wanted to subject Piper to that. If he brought her to the dinner, she’d be faced with meeting everyone at once. Larissa and Mel would no doubt interrogate her. But if he didn’t invite her, then he wouldn’t get to see her next weekend.

“You’ll figure it out.” Mary Ellen gave him an encouraging smile.

His phone rang, and he picked it up. “Gene sent a message for you that he should be refueled and ready to go in fifteen, Mr. Hamilton.”


Mary Ellen grinned at him. “I take it your chariot awaits?”

He nodded.

“Have a great weekend, and forget about all this. You go enjoy yourself.”

“Thanks, Mary El. What does your weekend hold?”

She smiled. “I’m going shopping with Chelsea.”

“Cool. Have fun.” He hesitated. “Have I been so preoccupied that I’m missing something?”

Mary Ellen shook her head. “Nothing that won’t wait until Monday. But when you get back, you might want to check in with your little sister. She’s okay, but I’m sure she’d love to catch up with you.”

Cameron frowned. “Should I call her now?”

“No. I don’t think you need to. I’ll let you know if you do.”

“Thanks, Mary El.” He gave her a hug. She was so much more than an assistant. She was part of the glue that held his life and the business together. Whatever was going on with Chelsea, he trusted Mary Ellen’s judgment that it wasn’t anything urgent. But he should check in with her soon.

When he left the office, he didn’t have far to go to get to the plane. The Hamilton-Groves office building was housed on his parents’ estate—next to a private runway. The runway ran east west. At one end was the corporate hangar, which the execs and visitors used when they flew in and out. At the other was the private hangar, which housed the family’s jet. On occasions like this, when Gene was pulling double duty—flying the execs around then taking off again on Cameron’s personal travel, Cameron always went to meet him wherever he was. He liked Gene. He’d been with the family a long time—hell, he felt more like family than an employee.

Cameron didn’t even bother to move his car. He left it in the lot outside the office and walked over to the hangar.

“Sorry, I was late back,” said Gene.

“No problem.” Cameron smiled at him. He looked tired. “Has it been a long week?”

“No.” Gene shook his head, looking puzzled. “It’s been fairly light, but I’ve got to tell you, Cameron, it doesn’t feel like it. I think I might be getting too old for this game.”
