Page 51 of Red Wine and Roses

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“None for the first six months. I think it’d be awesome. I’d be less than ten minutes from work, and I could still walk into town, and it just feels so homey.”

“And after the first six months?”

“I’d be spoiled by having lived in such a nice place. I’d be so sad to have to leave, and I’ll never find another place as nice as that that I can afford. So, then I’d think about staying while they have it up for sale—just to be able to stay a bit longer, but then I’d no doubt be miserable because I’d never be able to relax. You can’t relax when your house is for sale because you have to keep everywhere so neat all the time, just in case someone wants to view it.”

“Yeah, I can see that wouldn’t be much fun. I suppose the big question then is, would the six months of enjoyment outweigh the disappointment of having to leave afterward?”

She grinned. “Yes. It would. It has to. I try to make the most of every moment. I can’t miss out on six months’ worth of moments in that house because I don’t want to be sad afterward. I have to enjoy it while I can and worry about afterward, afterward.”

He chuckled. “Then I guess you have your answer.”

“I guess I do. Thanks for helping me figure it out.”

“My pleasure. Do you want to call Austin and tell him?”

“Yes! And find out when I can move in!”

He laughed. He knew that once the decision was made, she’d want to move full steam ahead.

~ ~ ~

When she hung up with Austin, she grinned at Cameron. “It’s all mine. And get this, I can move in as soon as I like. Well, as soon as I sign the papers and pay the deposit and everything.”

Cameron laughed. “Let me guess, that’s the first thing you’ll be doing on Monday morning?”

“No.” She wasn’t sure what he’d think of this. “I was thinking more like right now. Austin’s in his office, and he said if I can get in there now we can take care of everything and I can move right in. What do you think? I know it’s not what you signed up for this weekend, but I’d really love to get in there.”

“Absolutely! Let’s go see him. Then I can help you move in.” He looked around her room. “What do you have to move?”

She laughed. “Just my clothes and one suitcase full of papers and nick-nacks. I didn’t bring anything with me from Texas, because …” She thought about it. Why hadn’t she? “I guess because things aren’t really important to me. I figured I could buy whatever I need, and since the house is fully furnished, I won’t need much.” She grinned at him. “Come on, let’s go see Austin before the owners call him back and tell him they’ve come to their senses and he needs to double the rent.”

Cameron laughed and followed her back out of the lodge. It was easier to walk down Main Street to Austin’s office than it would have been to drive and try to find a parking spot. Cameron took hold of her hand, and she smiled up at him. “I love the way you do that.”

He looked surprised, but not as surprised as she was. She shrugged; she did love it. Why not tell him? “Have you heard from Gene?”

“No, I’m not really expecting to. He was going to head home this morning.”

“I know. I just wondered if he did. If he was feeling better.”

Cameron nodded thoughtfully. A few minutes later, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and tapped out a text. When it beeped with an answer, he looked up at her and smiled. “He’s home safely, and he says he’ll be fine to come back for me tomorrow night.”

“That’s good. Well, it’s good that he’s home safe. I wish he wasn’t coming back for you, though.” Oops. She’d done it again, but judging by the smile on his face, it was a good thing. Why not let him know how much she enjoyed him being here and that she wished he could stay for longer?

“I have to be back to work on Monday morning. I’ve got a busy week, but what do you think? Do you want to come see me next weekend?”

She frowned. She wasn’t so sure about that. Yes, she’d love to see him, and she was thrilled that he was inviting her into his world. She hadn’t expected that, but it was scary. His world was very different from hers. How would she fit in at his big charity dinner—would he even have time for her? Wouldn’t he be busy organizing and hosting? She sighed. “I’d like to, but …”

His smile faded. “But what?”

“Well, for starters, I’d spend more of the weekend on the road than I would with you.” It was an excuse. She wouldn’t mind driving down to Napa, but it was the easiest way to explain her reluctance.

“I’ll send Gene for you.”

Piper laughed. She couldn’t help it. That seemed so crazy to her.

“What’s funny about that? He can bring me to you, why couldn’t he bring you to me?”

“I don’t know, Cam. That’s not how things work for me. I’m used to flying, not being flown around.”
