Page 55 of Red Wine and Roses

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“At least I think we are?” He raised an eyebrow at her, and she nodded.

She didn’t know what them being together really meant—other than visiting each other on the weekends, but that was enough. She was enjoying it, and she didn’t want it to stop any time soon. What else did she need to know?

He leaned down and kissed her. “I can’t wait till Friday.”

“Me neither.”

They made their way outside once they saw Gene let down the steps. She didn’t see the point in making him come in or in prolonging their goodbye.

“Thanks for coming, Gene. How are you feeling?” called Cameron.

Gene greeted them with a smile. “I’m doing just fine, thanks.”

Piper frowned. He didn’t look it. He still looked tired. “Have you got a busy week?” she asked.

“I do.” He smiled at Cameron. “I have to get him to Phoenix tomorrow and then Denver on Tuesday. Then I’ve got flights with the execs for the rest of the week.”

“And back here on Friday night to get you,” said Cameron with a smile.

Piper smiled back, but she was worried about Gene. He looked so tired; she couldn’t imagine having a week like that lined up when you felt like crap to start with. She caught Gene’s eye, but he gave her a reassuring smile. “I’m looking forward to that one.”

“So am I.” Cameron leaned down and planted a kiss on her lips.

“And me,” she said. “I’m going to leave now so you can get going.”


“Call me when you land?”

Cameron smiled. “Will do. You enjoy that new place of yours.”

She laughed. “I intend to.”

~ ~ ~

Once the plane was up in the air, Cameron peered out the window. He smiled when he spotted what he’d been looking for—Piper’s house. He could picture her curled up in the armchair by the fireplace, and he could picture himself still there with her. He sighed. Maybe in a couple of weeks.

He settled back in his seat as first, the house, and then the lake disappeared from view. It was time to turn his focus back to his regular life, his work life—the life that Piper wasn’t a part of, at least not yet. Next weekend she would be. He pulled his laptop out of his bag. He was going to take another look at the seating plan and see what he could do to make sure that Piper wouldn’t have to spend too much time around Larissa—or Mel—or Natasha. He pursed his lips—or any other women who might give her a hard time.

They’d only been in the air about fifteen minutes when Gene’s voice came through on the speaker. “I don’t want to worry you, Cameron, but I’m going to need to make an unscheduled landing.”

Cameron pressed the button on the arm of his chair. “What’s up?”

“I shouldn’t be flying.”

Cameron unbuckled his belt and went up front. He opened the cockpit door and slid into the right seat. Gene looked gray. There was sweat beading on his brow, and his eyebrows were knit together—in concentration or pain, Cameron wasn’t sure.

“How are you feeling? What can I do?”

Gene gave him a grim smile. “Not good. Put your headset on and listen in. Hopefully, I won’t need you, but if I do, air traffic control will talk you down.”

Cameron put the headset on and listened as the controller gave Gene a new heading and told him he was clear to land.

“Can you have an ambulance standing by?” asked Gene.

“Already got the paramedics on the way.”

Cameron turned to look at Gene who gave him an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I finally figured out what’s up with me.”
