Page 63 of Red Wine and Roses

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“What’s that?”

“I was just as scared of you when I came in here. I thought you were all going to be snooty and look down your noses at me all day.”

The girl looked incredulous. “But you’re the glamorous pilot lady, who’d look down their nose at you?”

Piper shook her head. “No one I guess, but it’s more about how we perceive ourselves, isn’t it?”

The girl smiled. “It is. If I were you, I’d start perceiving myself a little differently.”

“Thanks. I’m going to try to take that advice.”

After the girl had gone, Piper pulled her phone out of her purse. She should call Rochelle and see how things were at the airport back at Summer Lake. She had a text message from Laura.

Hey. Call me when you get a chance. I want to hear about you and Cam.

Piper smiled as she dialed the number. It’d be good to catch up with her. She wanted to hear about the honeymoon, and she wanted to talk to someone about all of this—about what was going on between Cameron and her.

“Hey,” Laura answered. “How are you? Where are you?”

“I’m good. I’m in Phoenix.”

“Wow, Smoke said you were going to take over for Gene this week. How do you feel about that? What’s going on with you and Cameron?”

“Honestly, I don’t know how I feel. We’re seeing each other.”

“I gathered that much last night when we saw you at the airport. What’s happening?”

“Up until last night, we were just going to be a weekend thing. I thought he was just coming to the lake on the weekends, and I was part of the entertainment, you know? But then he asked me to go visit him in Napa next weekend, and I was going to, but then Gene had his heart attack and Smoke kind of volunteered me to take over. Now I’m set to fly Cam around all week, and … I don’t know. I was just getting used to the idea of dating him, and now he’s my boss.”

“And you don’t like it?”

Piper thought about it. “I don’t mind it; it’s just going to take some getting used to.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out if you want to.”

“Yeah, I’m sure I will.”

“You don’t sound very sure.”

“I’m trying to. I like him, Laura. I like him a lot.”

“And he likes you, too. From what Smoke’s said he has from the beginning.”

“Why, what’s Smoke said?”

“That Cameron seems different with you.”

“What kind of different?”

Laura sighed. “You know what I mean. He seems like he’s into you, not just into the sex.”

“Yeah. I do know what you mean. I thought that was all he wanted at first. Hell, I thought it was all I wanted. But he’s such a great guy, and we get along so well, and he’s … But at the same time, he’s still who he is. We come from such different places, and I don’t just mean geographically.”

Laura laughed. “I do know what you mean, but come on. You and I come from the same place, and that has nothing to do with anything. Just because you grew up the way you did, and he grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth doesn’t meant you’re any different from each other. It’s only the same as Smoke and me.”

“I guess, but you’d never be in a position where you were working for Smoke. This just complicates things so much. It means we get to spend more time together, but it puts us in a weird place. He’s my boss. I’ve never wanted a man to be my boss in any sense, especially not in a relationship.”

“But it’s just temporary, isn’t it?”
