Page 80 of Red Wine and Roses

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Mary Ellen smiled. “I love that you take such good care of everyone.”

Cameron shrugged. “We’re not just a company; we’re a family.”

“I know. That’s why I love it so much. I’ll tell you what, though. I think there might be some bad blood in the family after today.”

“What makes you say that?” Cameron hoped she was wrong.

“Apparently, Larissa’s been bitching about what you said this morning. Trying to make out that you’re putting your love life before the company.”

“She can think what she likes, but I don’t want her going around putting a bad spin on it.”

Mary Ellen raised her eyebrows. “I don’t see how you can stop her, though.”

“I’m going to have to do something. I’ll have to have a word with her—make her options clear.”

He didn’t get chance to do that, though. At three o’clock that afternoon he looked up in surprise when his dad came into his office.

“Dad! This is a nice surprise.”

His dad took a seat and gave him a stern look. “It isn’t a social visit, Cameron.”

Cameron pushed his chair away from his desk and sat back. “What’s up?”

“I hear you had a meeting this morning.”


“Do you want to tell me about it?”

Cameron frowned. His dad had stepped down from the board four years ago. He’d never, until today, come into the office to talk about company business since. “Why?”

“Because I heard a disturbing report about what went on in that meeting.”

Cameron narrowed his eyes. He had a feeling he knew what this was about.

“From whom?”

His dad’s lips twitched. It could have been a smirk, but Cam wasn’t sure.

“I think you can guess.”


His dad nodded. “I did warn you a long time ago about keeping work and your private life separate.”

Cameron nodded.

“But you never did listen.”

Cameron shrugged. “And it’s never been a problem.”

“Until now.”

“It’s not a problem now. Larissa’s just jealous about Piper. I had to let everyone know that Piper and I are together.”

“Son. A jealous woman is always a problem. God help you if you don’t understand that.”

Cam sighed. His dad was right, of course.
