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Hannah laughed with her. “Yeah, and I’m just hanging out with you guys until I find some more suitable friends.”

They sat and chatted and laughed for a couple of hours. Hannah couldn’t believe it when she checked her watch and saw it was three o’clock. None of the others seemed to mind, and she was in no hurry to go anywhere. She was loving being among real friends again. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d enjoyed herself this much.

“Oh, I remember,” said Molly. “When Chelsea said she wasn’t a charity case, you were going to tell us about some charity project you’re working on. I want to know what you’re up to. Knowing you, it’ll be something I want to support.”

Hannah grinned. “I think it’s something you’ll all want to support—one way or another.”

Chelsea narrowed her eyes. “Explain. What are you planning to rope us into?”

“Well, you know the animal shelter near the estate?”

Chelsea and Molly nodded.

“Where?” asked Mary Ellen. “I didn’t even know there was one.”

“You know where her place is, right?” asked Chelsea. “The Jacobs estate?”

“Of course I do. I might not have grown up here, but even people who’ve never been to Napa know where the Jacobs estate is.”

Hannah smiled to cover her discomfort. She knew what Mary Ellen said was true, but she’d never liked the fact that her home was a landmark, and her family name was a national brand.

“Well, if you go on a little way past there and then turn as if you’re going to Dawson Dale, the shelter is down that lane.”

“I didn’t know,” said Mary Ellen. “I’ll have to go out there. I always used to support the animal shelter back home.”

Hannah smiled. “Then I might be able to rope you in to help me out on this project.”

“You probably will, if you get around to telling us what the project is,” said Chelsea.

“Well, they need money. They always need money, but even more so in January—when the unwanted Christmas pets start showing up—and lots of people don’t have extra money to donate to help. So, I offered to shoot a calendar for them.”

“Aww, that’s a lovely idea,” said Molly. “What are you going to do, a different animal for each month?”

Hannah smiled. “Yes, one puppy per month, but I wanted to broaden the appeal, so each puppy is going to be with a different guy—a shirtless guy.”

Chelsea laughed. “Oh wow! You’d better be planning on a big print run. I have dozens of girlfriends who’ll buy that.”

Molly nodded. “Me too. And we can sell them in here.”

“I know our buyers aren’t local,” said Mary Ellen, “but I’ll bet if we put a sales page on our website, we could sell hundreds, if not thousands.”

“That’d be wonderful; thanks, guys. And I have some ideas of my own to sell them. However, that wasn’t what I wanted to ask for your help with—not that I’m turning it down.”

“So, what do you want?” asked Chelsea.

“Well … I still have a few friends I can ask. But since I’m back here and burned so many bridges in LA, the thing I really need is hot guys to pose with the puppies. Do you think any of your men would do it?”

Mary Ellen laughed. “I can guarantee you that Antonio will be all over it!”

Hannah had to laugh with her. “I had a feeling he wouldn’t mind.”

Molly made a face. “I’m not so sure about Marcos.”

“Yeah. I didn’t think he’d be up for it.”

“I’ll ask him. He’s a lot more mellow these days, but it might still be a little too far outside his comfort zone.”

“Thanks. And I totally understand if he says no. I want it to be fun for everyone who takes part.” She looked at Chelsea.
