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“Was that a suggestion?” she asked.

“About what?”

She chuckled. “About where we could go tonight – like, to bed?”

“I told you, that’s up to you, Hannah. You’re in charge of when that happens.” He couldn’t help smiling as he lowered his head again. “But if kissing you gives you ideas …” Her lips met his eagerly, and her hands came up around his back. When she moaned into his mouth, he couldn’t help closing his hands around her ass and rocking his hips against hers. She felt so damned good upright and fully clothed, he longed to explore her naked and horizontal, but as good as it felt to encourage her, it really was her call.

It was Scooter who called a timeout when he started to whine. Hannah broke away with a rueful smile. “Poor little guy. Do you need to go potty?”

She scooped him up and took him out to the back yard. Grady adjusted his pants as he followed. It felt natural to put his arm around her shoulders while they watched Scooter explore the patio and the flower beds.

She slid her arm around his waist and tucked her fingers into the belt loop on his jeans. For some reason, that made him smile like an idiot. He tugged on her ponytail and landed a quick peck on her lips.

She smiled up at him. “Is it weird if I say that this feels really good?”

“Nope. Maybe it should be weird, but I was just thinking the same thing.” He chuckled. "Maybe we got a whole bunch of our awkward moments out of the way before we ever got together, so now we get a reprieve for a while, and we can just … enjoy this.”

Her smile faded. “Is that how you’re seeing this? That we’re … that we got together?”

There was doubt in her voice, but it sounded more like she was looking for reassurance than she was about to reject him. “Yeah. I’d like to see it that way. I’d like for it to be that way – if that’s what you want. I have no idea how it can work. You know my situation with Ava and with work. But if you’re cool with her, if you don’t mind that she’ll be around most of the time, then I’d love it if we can give this a shot.”

Her face relaxed and she nodded. “I’d like that, too. And I love Ava. She’s a special little girl. And we just kind of connected.”

“I noticed. She shocked me when she hugged you like she did when we were at the shelter.” He met her gaze. “If I’m honest, you shocked me with the way you hugged her back.”

She shrugged. “Like I said, we just connected. I could feel how much she wanted to be loved, and … it went both ways.”

“I do the best I can with her.”

“Hey!” She put her hand on his arm. “I didn’t mean that she doesn’t already feel loved. It’s obvious how much you love her and how much she loves you. You do a great job with her. It’s just … she’s a little girl and girls need … No. They don’t need. They just … What happened to her mom?” Her hand came up to cover her mouth. “Shit! Sorry. I’m not going to say that it’s none of my business, because I hope it will be. But I don’t mean to be pushy.”

“You’re not. But hang on.” Scooter had wandered farther and farther away while they talked. Grady went after him and scooped him up. He handed him to Hannah with a smile. “Here, you take him. Do you have a stash of baggies?”

She gave him a puzzled look.

“He just took care of business, and I doubt you’re going to want to leave it there. I’ll do the honors.”

~ ~ ~

Hannah pushed her plate away and leaned back in her chair. She was glad that they’d stayed here to eat. She hadn’t wanted to leave Scooter home alone, and she felt at ease with Grady here in her space. She couldn’t help comparing that to the way she’d been with Nathan. They used to go out a lot and she used to go to his place, but she’d rarely invited him to her apartment – she hadn’t felt comfortable with him there.

Grady was different. He felt like a friend, not just like a date. She smiled when she realized he was watching her.

“Did you enjoy that?”

“It was great, thanks.”

“I told you, I cheated. That was leftovers from the catered dinner Jacob had last night.”

“Don’t say it like that’s something bad. If you’d cooked it, I’d feel intimidated, and less likely to invite you for pizza night with Ava and me.”

She laughed. “There is nothing intimidating about my culinary skills – or lack of them.”

“Good. Maybe I’ll be able to impress you with mine then.”

“Ooh! You cook?”

“I’m not a great chef, but I know my way around the kitchen.”
