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She nodded breathlessly. She didn’t know about the whole world, but she’d put money on the fact that she and Grady would burn up the sheets.

~ ~ ~

It was still dark when Grady opened his eyes, and it took him a couple of seconds to figure out where he was. He was still at Hannah’s. In her spare bedroom. He checked his watch. Six-fifteen. Why did he have to wake up so early? He didn’t have Ava, he didn’t have to work until this afternoon, and Hannah would no doubt sleep for a while yet. They’d stayed up late, not really watching the movie, but chatting and laughing and – despite his good intentions – making out.

He paid a quick visit to the bathroom. As he expected, there was no sign of Hannah. He wasn’t one to lie around in bed usually, but he didn’t feel comfortable getting up and making coffee, and there was no way he was going to take off and leave her to wake up and find him gone. So, he climbed back into bed and rolled onto his back and closed his eyes again. He wasn’t going to be able to get back to sleep. Especially not remembering how hot things had gotten when he and Hannah had lain down on the sofa together. He hadn’t made out with a girl like that since he was a kid. His cock had been half awake since he opened his eyes and now, it was standing at attention. It’d have to wait a while. He was glad that he and Hannah were building something else before they slept together, but at the same time, he couldn’t help seeing last night as a lost opportunity. He had no idea when he’d have another night without Ava.

He cocked his head to one side when he heard movement. Was Hannah up? No. He smiled when he realized that it was Scooter. Hannah had taken him to bed with her – making Grady tease that he was jealous of the pup. But it sounded like the little guy was up and about. He probably needed to go outside. Grady got up and pulled his jeans on over his boxers. He found the little Dalmatian in the kitchen by the back door.

“Aren’t you a good boy?” Grady stroked his head and opened the door to let him out, wishing that he’d thought to put a shirt on. It was damn cold.

He shifted from foot to foot while he watched Scooter sniff all the flower beds. “Come on, little dude. Just pick one and pee on it, would you? I’m freezing.”

Scooter finally selected a spot, and Grady couldn’t help laughing at the way he lifted his leg so high that he almost lost his balance.

“Is that it for now?” he asked when Scooter came trotting back to him.

Apparently, it was. The pup headed straight back to the kitchen door. Once they were back inside, Grady followed him down the hall. Scooter had no hesitation about going straight into Hannah’s room. Grady stood there a moment. He’d love to follow him, but that would probably be a bad idea.

“Grady?” Her voice sounded sleepy – and sexy as hell.

“Yeah. I just let Scooter out.”


He waited, but the silence drew out. “Do you want me to start a pot of coffee?” he asked when she still didn’t say anything else.

“Not yet.”

He pursed his lips. Did she plan to go back to sleep? “Do you want me to head out?” His heart was pounding. He’d love nothing more than to go into her room and snuggle into bed with her, but she wasn’t showing any sign that she even wanted him here.


He leaned against the wall in the hall, not sure what else to do. She didn’t want coffee. She didn’t want him to leave. It didn’t sound like she was getting up. He didn’t know what came next.

“Do you want to come in here?”

He pushed off the wall and went to stand in the doorway to her bedroom. He could just make out the shape of her in bed.

She let out a short laugh. “Thanks for taking him out. Is it cold out there?”


She was silent for a few moments. When she spoke again, his heart started to pound, and his cock recovered from the effects of the cold. “Do you want me to warm you up?”

Instinct took him two steps into her bedroom before his mind kicked in and stopped him. “Is that what you want?”

“Mm-hm. It’s what I’ve wanted all night. I barely slept. I was fighting with myself. I was so tempted to come into your room.” Her voice was still sleepy, low and husky – and incredibly sexy.

Now that his eyes had adjusted, he could see her better, she was sitting up, leaning back against the headboard. She turned back the covers and held her hand out to him. “I’m sure.”

She’d pre-empted his next question, and his resolve crumbled. He got into bed beside her and pulled the covers up around his waist.

She tugged at the waistband of his jeans. “You’re not going to need those.”

He got back out and pushed them off in a hurry, but not before snagging a condom from the back pocket. He hadn’t been expecting anything – but he had been hoping, and it was always better to be prepared. As he set it on the nightstand, Hannah wriggled down under the covers, and he joined her. He curled his arm around her and drew her soft warm body against his. She felt amazing, and he knew it was only going to get better from here.

Chapter Eleven
