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He chuckled. “Nope. I am going to ask if I can use the shower soon though.”

She smiled. “Okay. Do you want to go first while I make coffee?”

He tightened his arm around her. “How about we go in together?”

“Are you ready to go again?”

“Not yet, but if you let me soap every inch of your body then I reckon I will be.” He smiled. “And honestly, I want to be right with you for a while longer. If we go do separate things right now, I’m scared one or both of us will freak ourselves out about the conversation we just had and want to run. And I’d hate for that to happen.”

She searched his face and then nodded. “You’re probably right, and I don’t want that to happen, either.”

He got up from the bed and offered his hand. Scooter barked, and Grady felt bad that he’d spent this whole time in the playpen. “Sorry, buddy. Just a little while longer while we get showered.”

Hannah went to the playpen with a frown on her face. “What’s he got? Oh, my God!”

“What?” His heart was hammering again as he looked more closely. But his concern turned to laughter when he saw what she meant. Scooter was chewing on Hannah’s panties. “Sorry. I guess I didn’t look where I was throwing them.” He reached in to get them, and Scooter growled. That just made him laugh. “Can’t say I blame you, little guy.” He winked at Hannah. “Seems like you’ve got two of us who love chewing on your panties.”

Her cheeks flushed and she slapped his arm.

“What?” he asked with a laugh. “It’s true. Though he can eat the panties if I get to eat what you keep inside them.”

She laughed. “I think it’s my turn in that department.”

Did she mean what he thought she did? God, he hoped so! She caught hold of his hand and started leading him to the bathroom.

He tapped her on the shoulder as he followed her, and she looked back at him with a sexy smile.


He chuckled. “In case you’re interested, I’m definitely ready to go again now.”

She laughed. “Good to know.” She looked down at his now hard cock. “Because I am, too.”

Chapter Twelve

Grady had his coat on and was ready to go. They’d had breakfast – after their shower – and taken Scooter for a walk. Then he’d called Molly to say that he was going to pick Ava up at ten-thirty. He’d asked if Hannah wanted to spend the day with them, until he had to go to work. She’d said yes. She loved the idea, but now that it was about to become reality, she was twisting her jacket in her hands while he waited.

“Are you sure that it’s a good idea for me to come with you?”

He came and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I am – aren’t you?”

“I think so. I’m looking forward to seeing Ava. I’m …” She shrugged. “I’m nervous, I guess.”

She was relieved that he didn’t tease her or dismiss her. She couldn’t help comparing him to Nathan in that. Granted, she sometimes got hung up on silly things, but Nathan had never listened to her reasoning. He’d never wanted to know what she thought. He only ever told her what she should think.

Grady wasn’t like that. He cocked his head to the side, which made her smile because he looked just like Scooter. “What are you nervous about?”

“I’m nervous what she’ll think. About me coming into her life. I … I don’t know. I’ve never really been around kids. I think Ava’s awesome, but … I don’t know.”

He nodded slowly. “I’m kind of nervous, too. I already told you that I didn’t plan on dating anyone, I didn’t think it was right to bring anyone into her life. But …” He smiled. “We just seemed to work out. Well, after our rocky start, we did. And she thinks you’re awesome. If it makes you feel any better, when I dropped her off with Molly yesterday, she asked me to say hi to you for her. And she told me not to mess it up.”


“Really. And she told Grant –” He stopped so abruptly that she gave him a puzzled look.

“What? What did she tell Grant?”

He shook his head. “That’s probably too much for now.”
