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Ava smiled back at her. “He likes you.”

“Do you think so?”

“I know so! He gets this goofy look on his face when he looks at you.”

Hannah felt happiness bubble up in her chest. She was pretty sure that she got a goofy look on her face when she thought about him, too.

Her phone rang, startling them both. She pulled it out of her purse and smiled when she saw Grady’s name on the display.

“Hey,” she answered. “We got back here okay. Ava met Slade and he’s expecting to see you later.”

“Awesome. Thanks again, Hannah. I really appreciate this.”

Ava was sitting on the floor with Scooter climbing all over her. “You’re more than welcome. I’m scared that I’ll sound like the creepy one if I say that I’m happy it worked out this way. I’m glad that Ava and I get to know each other one on one.”

“That doesn’t sound creepy, it’s amazing. What do you guys plan on doing?”

“We haven’t decided yet. We just got back.” She glanced at Ava. She was busy with Scooter, so Hannah stepped into the hallway. “I did want to ask you something though. You know how Jacob asked if she’d like to help him turn on the lights at the ceremony on Wednesday? I wanted to run it by you before I ask her. She said that you’re planning on coming with Molly. I didn’t want to interfere with your plans.”

He chuckled and the sound of it made her insides tighten. “Molly told me that we were going. That was when she was determined to throw you and me together again. Now that she’s succeeded in her scheming, I’m sure she won’t mind what we do. And as for Ava, I think the only problem you might have once you ask her about helping Jacob, will be dealing with all the excitement. I think it’s awesome, and I’m sure she’ll be thrilled.”

He sounded like he was going to add something else, but he didn’t. After few moments she asked, “But?”

“Sorry. I was wondering if he offered or if you persuaded him. I appreciate it either way, but I don’t want to put him out.”

“No! It was his idea. He came up with it all by himself. He surprised me, too.”

“Okay. In that case, I have no concerns whatsoever.”

“I’m glad. I think I’m almost as happy for Jacob as I am for Ava. But I just remembered that you’re at work. And I’m here prattling on. Do you want to talk to her?”

“If she wants.”

Hannah guessed that he’d actually called to speak to Ava, but he wouldn’t say as much. “Hang on a minute.” She went back into the kitchen where Ava was now rolling on the floor with Scooter. She held the phone out. “It’s Uncle Grady. Do you want to say hi?”

Ava jumped up with a worried look on her face. “Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine,” Hannah reassured her. “He just wanted to say hi.” She handed the phone over and watched Ava relax as she talked.

After a few moments, she handed the phone back with a big smile on her face. “He wants to say goodbye to you.”


“Hey. I need to get back to work. But I’ll be there as early as I can get there.”

“There’s no rush on my behalf. I’ll do like we said and put her to bed in the spare room.” She didn’t like the idea of him waking Ava up at whatever time he got finished at work and driving her home. But apparently, that was their routine. Still … “If you like, you can both stay here.”

He was quiet for a few moments, and she regretted making the suggestion.

“Sorry, that was a horrible idea. It’s too much too soon, and she has to get ready for school in the morning and …”



He chuckled. “I was quiet because I was wondering if I should go home and get her stuff after work before I come to your place. Then I wondered …”

“Would it be too much too soon?”
