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“If you think about it, he could have fired all the gate guys when he got that thing installed. There’s no need to have us here anymore. Some people might say that he keeps us on for how it looks, you know, the image of having a gatehouse and security. But I know better. Jacob didn’t want to take our jobs away.”

Grady smiled. “He’s a good guy, isn’t he?”

“Yeah. He kind of has a stick up his ass. But he’s chilling out more as he gets older. It must have been hard for him to step up and take over when their parents died. It was like he thought he had to be like his dad was. But he’s found his own style of managing, and of being. I think little Ava’s helping him loosen up, too. Though, she may be cramping his style with the ladies.”

That surprised Grady. “How? Why?”

“I’m pulling your leg, mostly. It’s just that he’s never been short of female company. You can imagine. A guy like him, living in a place like this, there are plenty of women who’d love to hook him. And he’s never minded letting them try. And from what I’ve seen – and I’ve seen a lot – he has exquisite taste. In the looks department, at least. But since you and Ava have been around, to be fair, it’s probably since Hannah came home, he hasn’t had any overnight guests. Or even afternoon guests, or any guests at all.” Slade shrugged. “And now, I feel like an old woman gossiping, and I wouldn’t blame you if you went back and told Hannah that I talk too much and give away too many of their secrets. But I figure that you and she might have a real chance and knowing a bit more about what you’re getting into with them can only help. I wouldn’t tell you a damn thing if I thought it’d hurt them in any way.”

“No. I get it. I appreciate it.”

The phone rang inside the gatehouse, and Slade looked over his shoulder. “I should get that.”

“Yeah. And I should get home.” He gave Slade a sheepish smile when he realized what he’d said. “You know, back to Ava and Hannah.”

“Yeah. Home.”

“Don’t forget to let me know when you can come into Molly’s.”

Slade waved over his shoulder before the door closed behind him as he hurried to answer the phone.

Grady looked up at the big house as he drove up the driveway, wondering what Hannah’s childhood had been like growing up there. His own childhood hadn’t exactly been filled with loving family. He’d always felt like they were just a bunch of people who lived in the same house and were each trying their best to figure out their lives. Three kids and the woman they called Mom. She’d worked hard to keep a roof over their heads and feed them, but she hadn’t had the time or energy for much else.

Maybe that was why he was so determined to give Ava the kind of childhood she deserved. He’d done his best to create a loving little family of two for her. If Slade was right, and that was what he had to offer Hannah … he smiled. He’d be more than happy to make them a family of three … or more, and to include her brothers if they wanted in.

~ ~ ~

Hannah wiped her hands on the dishtowel when Scooter started barking.

“Uncle Grady’s home!” called Ava.

Hannah had to smile. She’d had the same thought – he washome. That was how it felt – as though they were already a family, and this was their home. Her smile faded. Would he want that? They’d touched on some pretty serious subjects – like marriage and babies – but they both kept retreating from them, saying it was too soon to talk about them. What if this was just a little Christmas bubble they were living in? What if, when the holidays were over, the bubble burst? No. She wasn’t going to start second-guessing any of it. Even if this was just a Christmas bubble, she was going to enjoy it for every second that it lasted and worry about the heartbreak afterwards.

Grady came in and closed the door quickly behind him before Scooter could live up to his name and scoot out through it. He greeted Ava with a hug and a kiss.

“You took aaages! We’ve been waiting for you so that we can do the tree!”

Grady laughed. “Well, I’m here now.” He sniffed the air. “And it smells like you’ve been busy while you were waiting for me. “Do I smell cookies?”

“Yes! We made hundreds and hundreds.”

Grady raised his eyebrows at Hannah as he came to her. When he reached her, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her softly. “Hey. Sorry I’m a bit later tonight.” He glanced at the rolling pin that was still sitting on the countertop. “Am I in trouble?”

She laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to chase you with it. That’s from our cookie making.”

“Hundreds and hundreds of them?” He tugged on Ava’s ponytail. “Or is someone exaggerating?”

“No. She’s not. I always make too many Christmas cookies. I do them for Jacob, and for the guys on the gate. Usually I mail them, but …” she smiled. “This year I’m home for the holidays. And so are the two of you, so maybe not hundreds, but definitely dozens and dozens.”

Grady looked around. “Where are they?”

She laughed. “You don’t need to know that until later. Ava wasn’t joking, we’ve been waiting for you to get home so that we can decorate the tree.”

“Hold that thought.”

She watched as he turned around and slipped back out the door. When he returned, he held up a big bunch of mistletoe. “Jeez! Do you think you have enough?”
