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Jacob had rested his hand on Becca’s leg and was leaning toward her. Hannah grabbed Grady’s hand. And Xander chuckled on the other side of him.

“Are we watching a beautiful beginning or the first step on a path to destruction?”

Jacob’s hand came up to cup Becca’s cheek and he slowly closed the gap between them and pressed a brief kiss to her lips. When he leaned back again, Becca ran her finger over her lips without her gaze ever leaving Jacob’s.

“Beautiful beginning,” Hannah and Grady spoke at the same time and then laughed.

Xander joined in when Antonio appeared beside him and said, “Part of me feels like we should all hold up score cards – there’s no question that was a ten. The other part of me, the part my wife agrees with, says it’s time for us to take our leave.”

He hugged Hannah and kissed both her cheeks before turning to Grady with a big smile, and hugging him, too.

Xander held his hands up to fend him off. “You know I love you, man. But I’m not into all your Italian demonstrations of affection.”

Antonio laughed and shrugged. “Your loss. Hey, are you guys coming to Muse on Christmas Eve Eve? I’m trying to get everyone to come in since it seems that everyone has family here for the holidays and we probably won’t all get together until afterwards.”

“That’s next Friday night, right?” Xander asked.


“Okay, I’ll be there. Have you asked Bentley?”

“Not yet.” Antonio made a face. “I left him a message to call me, but he seems to be taking a leaf out of Jacob’s book. These days, if it’s not business, he’s not interested.”

“I’ll get him out,” said Xander.

“And what about the two of you?”

Hannah looked at Grady. “Are you working?”

“No. I usually have Friday nights off.”

Of course he did. She knew that. But there was Ava to consider. She knew that too.

Antonio grinned at them. “Well, we all know thatUncleJacob isn’t likely to stoop so low as to be seen at a local watering hole, even if it is my place. Perhaps he and Ava could enjoy the evening in each other’s company so that you two can have a night out?”

Grady didn’t look thrilled, but he nodded. “We’ll see.”

“Give me a call and let me know.”

“I will,” said Hannah, but Antonio shook a finger at her. “Not you. Grady. I noticed that you’ve muscled your way in on arranging Ava’s schedule. I think it’s only fair that Grady should be in charge of you guys’ social calendar.” He winked at Grady. “I think we’ve already proved that we’re good at calendars.”

Grady laughed. “We have.”

“I feel left out,” said Xander. “Everyone’s talking about this calendar, and I didn’t get the chance to be in it.”

Hannah rolled her eyes at him. “It’s not my fault that you’re never here, is it?”

He shrugged. “Maybe next year.”

“Wow. And I thought talking about next weekend was long-term planning for you.”

Xander shrugged again. “It doesn’t pay to get too invested in the future in my line of work.”

“Well, I’ll see you then, if not before. Mary Ellen’s giving me the look. It’s time to go.”

Hannah turned, not wanting Mary Ellen to get annoyed at being held up. She should have known better. Mary Ellen was talking to Chelsea. Antonio was just using her as an excuse – for some reason.

Once he’d gone, Xander touched her arm and jerked his head to where Jacob was still talking to Becca. “If you guys want to go to Muse, I’ll watch Ava if you like. It looks like Jacob could be persuaded to go, if a certain schoolteacher’s going to be there.”
