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“Because I just said that I hope you make it, and you went all serious.”

He smiled and took the box out of his pocket. “I went all serious because I am serious. I’m serious about her, Molly. I … you have to promise you won’t breathe a word because I don’t know when I’m going to do it.”

She gave him a puzzled look. “Do what? And you know that I tell Marcos everything.”

“Yeah. Marcos is fine. He’s the only one I’d trust not to let it slip. I’m talking about this.” He held the box up and flipped it open.

“Oh, my God! Grady!” Both Molly’s hands came up to cover her face, and then she reached for the box. “It’s gorgeous! She’s going to love it. But …”

“But what?” Grady’s heart started to hammer. “You don’t think …”

“I think she’ll love it. I think she’ll say yes. I … it’s just … you! Are you certain? It’s a big step. There’s no rush. You’ve never …”

He had to smile as he took the box back and stared at the ring. “I know, Molly. I can’t tell you how or why or any of that stuff, but I don’t need to. I just know. Hannah’s the one for me. No doubt, no fear even.” He smiled at her. “I wasn’t looking, but I found her anyway. She’s right for me. She’s right for Ava. I know it. And even better than that, I know that we’re right for her. We’re what she wants and what she needs, and what you just said only confirmed that. And one day down the line, we’ll have kids of our own, too.”

Tears shone in Molly’s eyes as she grinned and nodded happily at him. “I believe you. I believe it all. Oh, Grady! I’m so happy for you.”

He gave her a wry smile. “You might want to save that until she says yes. And she can’t do that until I ask her, and I don’t know if it’s too soon.”

“Yeah, you’re on your own with that one. I have no idea. And I wouldn’t presume to tell you if I did. I think you’ll know, though. You’ll know when the time’s right.” She looked at the ring again and shook her head. “It’s gorgeous.”

“I hope she thinks so. I mean, she could buy herself any big ass diamond she wanted. I know I could never impress her that way – even if I wanted to try.”

“Nah. Haven’t you ever noticed that she doesn’t wear jewelry?”

He frowned. “I hadn’t, but you’re right. Do you think she’ll want to wear this?”

Molly nodded vigorously. “I do. It’s perfect. It used to be a thing with her mom that she had to wear the appropriate pieces, and there was some kind of weird hierarchy where the people with highest social standing were supposed to wear the bigger diamonds. And everyone was supposed to know their place and not upstage anyone – or be upstaged. Hannah hated it all. She did as she was told while she still lived here, and whenever she came back. But after her folks died, she told me she was done with it all, and she just doesn’t wear any now.”

Grady looked at the ring again. “I hope she’ll like this.”

“I think she’ll love it. And it sidesteps all of that stuff anyway. It doesn’t need to compete – it’s unique.”

“That was my hope.”

~ ~ ~

Ava held onto Hannah’s hand once they arrived in town. She was hyped up, giddy to be finished with school for the holidays and staring wide-eyed at all the Christmas lights that decorated the streets and storefronts.

“Are you going to have a milkshake with me?” she asked.

“I am. Vanilla for me, chocolate for you.”

“And strawberry for Uncle Grady.”

“That’s right.”

“Do you think that we should get one for Uncle Jacob? I could put it in the fridge for him until he comes.”

Hannah chuckled. Jacob had made big strides in the last few months, but a milkshake might be a step too far. “I don’t think it’d be very good by the time he gets there. You know they’re not as nice when they get melty.”

“Yes. Maybe we can bring him to Molly’s one day and he can have one here. We could bring Miss Taylor, too.” She came closer and looked over her shoulder, before standing up on her tiptoes and cupping her hand over her mouth. “I think Uncle Jacob likes her.”

Hannah laughed. It was kind of obvious. “She’s very nice. I like her too.”

“Yes, but not likethat.”
