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Ava’s eyes widened when she saw the ring. She grabbed Hannah’s hand and touched it. “It’s so pretty. Is it … are you?” She looked at Hannah and then at Grady. “Are you guys going to get married?”

Hannah looked at Grady. He said that he’d asked Jacob and Xander. She would have thought that he would have talked to Ava as well. But she looked surprised – more than surprised. Shocked.

Grady ran his hand over her hair. “We are, Pixie. I asked Hannah and she said yes.”

“Yes!” Ava punched the air. “I got my Christmas wish!”

Grady laughed. “You got yours and I got mine, too. I was going to talk to you about it first, but I knew that this was what you wanted, and I didn’t want to spoil the surprise.” He looked at Hannah, and she knew that he was explaining to her as well. “I didn’t want you to be disappointed if Hannah said no, or that she wasn’t ready yet.”

That made sense. Just when she was worried that he’d left Ava out, he showed her that he considered both of them in everything he did.

Ava just looked at him. “You’re silly. Of course she wants to marry you.” She turned to Hannah. “And to be my mom.”

“With all my heart, sweetie.”

~ ~ ~

The cottage was still a mess, strewn with wrapping paper and gift boxes all over the floor, but Grady didn’t feel any need to tidy up before Jacob and Xander arrived. This was what a happy family home looked like on Christmas morning. He wanted them to see it – and to feel part of it.

Hannah came and slid her arms around his waist. “Merry Christmas, fiancé.”

He chuckled. “Merry Christmas, fiancée. Are we going to be that annoying couple who wear hubby and wifey T-shirts?”

She laughed. “Err, no. I don’t think so.”

“Phew. That’s a relief. I mean, I’d do it if you really wanted to.”

“No! Don’t ever. I love you because you’re you. Don’t do stuff that isn’t you, not even for me.”

He winked. “Do I have permission to remind you of this conversation when we’re old and wrinkly and I’m being a crotchety old bastard?”

She laughed. “If you can remember it, you can try.” She looked around at the mess. “I really don’t want to clear it up.”

“Then we don’t.”

“I know, but I can’t find that envelope. I know Ava’s all caught up in her camera right now, but we still have one last thing to give her.”

“Shit. You’re right. I’ll see if I can find it.”

Scooter barked and ran to the kitchen door. “I’ll look for it,” Hannah said. “Do you want to go and let the guys in?”

Grady greeted Jacob and Xander at the door and helped bring in what looked like enough food to last them for the rest of the winter.

Ava and Scooter ran around getting under everyone’s feet. It was perfect. Grady didn’t think he’d ever seen his niece so happy. She held up her new camera and grinned at him as she snapped a picture. “Gotcha!”

He scooped her up and sat her on his hip. “And I’ve got you. I love you, Pixie.”

“I love you, Uncle Grady.”

“Here you go.” Hannah came to join them and held out the envelope she’d been looking for. It wasn’t exactly a gift, but he knew that Ava would think it was one of the best gifts.

“What’s that?”

“Open it.”

Grady set her down and she gave her camera to Hannah in exchange for the envelope. She tore it open and then sat down cross-legged on the floor to read it.

Xander and Jacob had come to join them and watched with puzzled looks on their faces. Ava jumped up and threw her arms around his waist and then tugged Hannah to join them.
