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“Have a little faith in me, would you?”

“I do. I just worry about her. She’s not … what you’re used to.”

“I know, and I’m not what she’s used to either. But since what we’re used to hasn’t worked out too well for either of us …”

“What are you saying? Is she back? Have you seen her? Remember that this is Ava’s teacher we’re talking about.”

“I know. And yes, she’s back, and yes, I’ve seen her. And as a matter of fact, she was the one who was driving the Range Rover.”

“What, why?”

He laughed. “Because her car died.”

“Okay. That sounds like you’re giving me the tiniest and the least relevant detail. Tell me, Jacob!”

“Okay, Don’t get mad at me. First of all, have you seen her car?”

“No. why?”

“Because it’s ancient and that’s …” He chuckled. “Actually, it’s no excuse, but it’s where the story starts.”

He told her all about going to collect Becca from Oakland, and how Fred had died – Jesus, Becca even had him thinking of it that way! – He told her how upset Becca had been. He glossed over Becca’s money troubles; that was private, and he respected that. But then he got to the part where he had to tell his sister that he’d asked a girl he barely knew to move in with him. He shook his head and paced over to the window.

“Are you in love with her?”


“You heard me.”

His heart felt like it was trying to pound right of his chest.

“Say something.”

“What do you want me to say?”

“Well, you could answer the question, or if you don’t want to do that, you could tell me what else it is that you’re trying to avoid telling me. I know there’s something.”

He had to laugh. “Okay. You got me. She spent the night here last night and I … I’ve asked her to move in with me.”

He had to hold the phone away from his ear when Hannah squealed. “Jacob! That’s awesome!”

“It is? I thought you might not approve.”

She laughed. “Of what? Of Becca? You know I think she’s wonderful. She’s such a sweetheart and she’s so much better than anyone you’ve ever dated before. I mean she’s a better person and she’s better for you. There’s no way I could disapprove of her. Oh, wait. Do you mean I might not approve of you moving so fast? Yeah. It is fast, but come on, this is me you’re talking to. Grady never spent another night at his own place after our first date – which wasn’t even actually a date – so yeah, I get it. No disapproval from me there. I just … I’m thrilled. I really am.”

Jacob went and sat down in his armchair. He hadn’t known that he was worried about it, but Hannah’s reaction felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. “Thanks, Hannah.”

“You couldn’t be more welcome! Can I say anything? To Grady and Ava? To anyone? Do you want to bring her over here? Come and hang out with us? Take her out with everyone?”

He laughed. “Slow down. I’m still scared that she might change her mind. I don’t want to overwhelm her with too much too soon.”

“No, you’re right. But … I just can’t wait to see the two of you together. You do realize that Ava and I will be walking Scooter up and down the driveway all day every day until we just happen to bump into her, don’t you?”

He laughed. “There’s no need to do that. I’ll ask her if she wants to stop by the cottage sometime soon. Even if we only come for a few minutes.”

“Awesome! And Jacob?”

