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Elena laughed. “Hope that one day in the not-too-distant future, I’ll be able to cook for a family again – your family.”

Becca’s eyes pricked with tears. “I’d love to think that might happen.”

“It will. And you should probably get used to the fact that you don’t need to be carrying things out and helping me. I’m here to help you; not the other way around.”

Becca smiled. “If things do work out that way, I think you’re the one who’s going to need to get used to the fact that I want us to help each other out.”

Elena nodded. “I can already see that. We’ll figure it out between us, I’m sure.”

“There you are.” Jacob stuck his head around the door to the kitchen and came in with a worried look on his face. “Is everything okay in here?”

Elena slid her arm through Becca’s and grinned at him. “Everything is just peachy. I was just telling your lady here how much I love having her around.”

He came and wrapped his arms around them both and grinned down at them. “That’s a relief, because I think I might need you to help me to convince her to stick around – for good.”

Becca’s heart hammered in her chest when he looked down into her eyes.

Elena stepped back with a laugh. “That’s exactly what I was doing.”

Becca looked from Jacob to Elena and back again. They were both making it clear that they saw her being here as … permanent. Jacob had said it this morning – he didn’t want any other woman – ever again.

She loved the idea. She hoped that it might work out that way, but it seemed a little crazy to think that they could get there this quickly – to think that he was talking about … getting married.

He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Am I pushing too hard?”

“No.” She didn’t want him to think that she didn’t like it, that she wouldn’t want to … but …

Elena picked up one of the big serving trays and made her way to the door. “Not pushing hard enough if you ask me,” she muttered. “You’re not getting any younger and I want a house full of babies before I retire.”

Becca’s mouth fell open. She knew that Jacob and Elena’s relationship wasn’t your typical employer and employee relationship, but she hadn’t heard her speak to him like that before.

Jacob chuckled and lifted a shoulder. “I’ve always encouraged her to speak her mind.” He drew Becca back to him and closed his arms around her. “Sorry. Is it too much? Do I need to back off – and tell Elena to do the same?”

She shook her head against his chest. “No. I don’t think I’d like it if you did that.”

When she looked up at him, his eyes were shining. “There’s hope, then?”

She nodded.

“And I don’t need to take my time?”

She bit the inside of her cheek. “I don’t know.”

“I’m sorry. I already know that I shouldn’t rush you.”

He looked so disappointed that her heart sank. “It’s not about you rushing me. It’s aboutyoubeing sure. I know, Jacob. I just … know. Butyouneed to be careful about the decisions that you make. We haven’t known each other all that long, and you might … you might meet someone better. Someone more like you. Someone who comes from your world. Someone who’d know what to tell Elena about what wine to serve, and what they want on the menu. That’s the kind of woman you need – not someone like me, who feels more at home helping Elena than giving her orders.”


“No, what?”

He shook his head adamantly. “No, to everything you just said. You’ve got it all backwards, Becca. You just described the kind of woman Idon’twant. If I wanted that, don’t you think I’d be married by now? And besides, it’s not about akind of womanor aboutsomeone whowhatever. It’s aboutyou. You’re it for me. You’rewhoI want. You’rewhatI want. You’reallI want. If you decide you don’t want me, I’ll survive. But I didn’t just decide that I wanted to get married and then choose you. I met you, I fell for you, I feel like fate or life or something chose you for me – like we’re meant to be. I don’t wantsomeoneto marry, Becca. I want you … or no one.”

Her heart hammered in her chest as she looked up into his eyes. He was as serious as she’d ever seen him. His gray eyes bored into hers. He meant every word he said – there was no question about that. And she knew better than to ask him if he was sure. He was a man who knew his own mind – she knew that.

As the silence lengthened, his eyebrows drew together. He smiled, but it looked forced. “I’m not trying to pressure you. Like I said, I’ll survive if you don’t want –”

“I do!” She rolled up onto her toes and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I do want you. I want it all with you, Jacob. I feel like we’re meant to be, too. I just … I guess it’s hard for me to believe that life or fate or whatever it is that decides these things would choose you for me. You’re so much more, so much better than I deserve.”
