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He laughed. “What does that mean?”

“It means, I love you. You’re awesome. You really don’t get it, but you know that you don’t get it and you try so hard.”

“Yeah. That about sums it up. So, help me out?”

“Okay, well, if you really don’t mind … I would much rather keep Grover and you get a new one. I’ve never had a brand-new vehicle. It goes against … I’m not saying anything bad, but my dad always used to say how dumb it was because the second you drive away from the showroom you just threw a few thousand dollars down the drain. I’d feel too guilty doing that. But I know that you don’t see it that way. And even apart from the money side – I mean, I don’t want you to spend that kind of money on me – Grover really is my friend.” She rolled her eyes. “I know you think that’s dumb, but it’s true. He makes me feel safe. It’s like you lent me your friend to take care of me when you’re not around. He’s like an extension of you and …”

Jacob knew he had a big stupid smile on his face, but he couldn’t help it. “Aww.”

“Don’t laugh at me!”

He did laugh at that. “I wasn’t. I finally understand why you sayawwlike that, and I had to say it, too. It means that I’m touched by what you said, and I love that you feel that way and … all those kinds of things.”

“You’re right. It does. So, you get it, then? And you’re okay if I keep Grover?”

“Yes. I get it, and I love it. I want you to keep Grover. I want you to feel like he’s taking care of you for me.”

“Thank you.”

Jacob leaned in to kiss her, thinking that dinner could wait. He’d just backed her up against the island when his phone rang. He tried to ignore it, but he couldn’t.

Becca pushed him away with a sigh and a smile. “Maybe we can get back to where we were after you take care of that.”

“Sorry.” He didn’t even check the screen before he answered. “Jacob Jacobs.”


It took him a moment to recognize the cracked voice, and when he did, his heart sank.

“Elliott? Talk to me?” He didn’t want to ask the question. He was hoping against hope that maybe Elliott was calling about something else.

He wasn’t.

“He’s gone. He died this morning.”

Jacob closed his eyes. He felt for Elliott, and he knew what he was going through. His mind was transported back to the day he’d had to make the phone calls to let people know that his parents were gone.

“I’m sorry. What do you need? What can I do?”

“I … he and Mom had everything arranged for the funeral months ago. It’s on Saturday; you know what he was like, he had so many friends. Many of them will need to travel to be here, so he wanted the funeral to be on a Saturday. The only thing I want from you is for you to be here.”

“I’ll be there. Have you talked to Trick?”

“Yeah. I called him just before you. He’ll be expecting your call.”

“Who else do you want there?”

“Anyone who wants to come. My dad got to know a lot of the folks who work at Jacobs Estate. Everyone who can get down here is welcome.”

“Okay. I’ll talk to Trick. He can bring anyone who wants to come.”

“Thanks, but I think there’ll be a few more than he can bring.”

“I expect so. He can make as many trips as it takes.”

Elliott sniffed. “Thanks, Jacob.”
