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It seemed that Brent felt the same way. His smile faltered before he fixed it back in place. “He’s making sure that the cabin’s prepped for Miss Taylor, and that refreshments are ready.”

Becca wanted to laugh. They thought she needed refreshments while she sat in a big armchair for two and half hours? She was more used to sitting squished next to someone and having to pay for a bag of peanuts!

Slade still didn’t look happy. He nodded at Brent and then gestured to the door that led out to the tarmac. “I’ll walk you out there.”

When they reached the bottom of the steps, Becca hugged Slade. She couldn’t help it. It felt like he was the last familiar and friendly face she’d see before she set off into the unknown with two unknown men! She was being silly, and she knew it, but still … She was grateful when Slade hugged her back and murmured next to her ear, “You’ll be fine. See if you can’t put on aMrs. Jacobsattitude and look down your nose at them – they’ll leave you alone that way.”

She laughed. She’d love to try that, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to do it. She’d just have to hope that they stayed in the cockpit and left her alone that way. “Thanks for everything, Slade.”

“You’re welcome. And don’t forget, call me when you land.”


Brent gestured for her to go up the steps, and she couldn’t help wondering if he was the type who would watch her ass as he followed.

She got herself settled into the big comfy seat and fastened her seat belt. When she looked out the window, Slade was standing outside the doors to the building. She waved, and he lifted a hand and gave her an encouraging smile before turning to go inside. She was so grateful that he’d come with her. She should have been able to do this by herself – it wasn’t even as though she had to leave the estate to get to the plane. She loved that Jacob had made sure that even though he couldn’t be here himself, she didn’t have to do it alone.

Brent had disappeared into the cockpit. A few moments later, the plane started to move. She wondered if he’d come back out to give her a safety briefing like Trick had. She felt like she should hear all that stuff again, but at the same time, she kind of hoped that she wouldn’t see him again until they landed. She could maybe even enjoy this flight if she got a couple of hours to herself.

She looked up when the door to the cockpit opened again, and her heart leaped into her mouth. It wasn’t Brent who came out … it was Jamie!

“Becca!” She hated the sleazy smile on his face. “We meet again.”

“What … what are you doing here?”

His smile disappeared. “Well, thanks to some little bitch telling her old fart of a boyfriend that I wanted to sleep with her, I’m back to taking whatever flights I can get with the agency. You can imagine how pleased I was when I saw this one on the roster. I didn’t think I’d get another flight for Jacobs Estate, but since the name on this one was Miss Taylor, I knew I had to try.”

Becca swallowed and tried to relax her grip on the arm of the seat. “Don’t … don’t you need to go back in there?” She jerked her chin toward the cockpit door.

“I will, in a minute. I have to brief you first.” He laughed. “The offer still stands if you want me to debrief you, though.” She shuddered as he let his gaze travel over her. “I still want in your panties, Becca. You screwed me over by telling Jacob about Selena and me. I think you owe it to me to screw me to make up for it.”

“No! No way. Never! I wouldn’t sleep with you if you were the last man on Earth!”

“That’s a shame. Jacob’s going to think that you did. So, you might as well.”

“Jacob would never think that!”

Jamie came and squatted down by her seat. She scrambled to unfasten the seat belt when he rested his hand on her leg. She had to get off – to get away from him.

His fingers dug into her thigh as he ran his hand up her leg. She smacked him away, but he just laughed.

“You cost me a good gig with Jacobs Estate. I’m going to return the favor. After this weekend, you won’t have a gig here either. I’m going to make sure of it.”

“What do you mean?”

He laughed and got to his feet. “You’ll find out soon enough. For now, you should just sit back and enjoy the ride.” She shuddered when he cupped his hand over the front of his pants. “Unless you want to ride this? Join the mile-high club?”

“I want to get off.”

He laughed again. “That’s what I’m offering. I’ll get you off.”

“No!” She started to get up from the seat, needing to get off the plane before it took off.

He put his hand on her shoulder and pushed her back down. “You can’t, Brent’s just started the run-up, we’ll be in the air in a minute.”

Becca hung onto the arm again as the engines started to roar and Jamie turned back to the cockpit. “Hang tight, sweetheart. I’ll see you in Dodge.”

Becca sat shaking and clinging to the armrests as the plane thundered down the runway and lifted off into the sky. Last time she’d been on a jet she’d wondered if she was dreaming. This time she was hoping that this was a nightmare.
