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Shoot! She’d been in so much of a hurry that she’d forgotten about her bag.

She hurried toward the doors that led into the building, but then had to wait for Brent to catch up with her. It swung open when he slid his pass against the scanner.

“Is everything okay?” He looked less like a pilot and more like a regular guy; he looked concerned.

“I … it’s just … how well do you know Jamie?”

He frowned. “Not that well. Today’s the first time I’ve flown with him. The company likes to change teams up as often as they can – so that we don’t get complacent.”

Becca nodded and relaxed a little when the doors closed behind them without Jamie showing up.

“Is there a problem?”

She stared at him for a long moment, wondering if she should tell him. She should definitely make sure that the company knew what kind of man they had flying for them. They wouldn’t want him on their flights any more than Jacob did if they knew that he could treat a passenger the way he’d treated her. It wasn’t as though Brent would be able to do anything about it, but if she told him, then at least she’d have lodged her first complaint. She had a feeling that Jamie was the kind who’d weasel out of it and turn things around on her if he could.

“I …”


She turned to see her parents hurrying toward her.

“There you are!” Her mom wrapped her in a hug and her dad took her bag from Brent.

“I’ll take that, thank you.”

Brent stood back as they both put their arms around her and started walking her away. Becca looked back over her shoulder at him. She should have said something, but she could hardly tell him what Jamie had done in front of her parents. Her dad would go and drag him out of the plane and give him a good ass-kicking. She had no doubt about that.

“I’m so glad you’re here, Becs,” said her mom. “Isn’t this great that you can get here in just a few hours? I can’t believe that your Jacob has his own plane! I can’t wait to meet him, but I’m glad we get you to ourselves first. You can tell us all about him.”

Becca nodded. She was used to having a bit of time after getting off a plane to prepare herself for her parents. This felt like she’d been yanked from one world straight into another and she was having trouble keeping up.

Her dad tightened his arm around her shoulders. “Are you okay, love?”

“Yeah. I’m great, Dad. I’m so happy to be here – to be able to see you again so soon.” She really was happy to see them. She needed to focus on that. There was nothing she could do about Jamie right now. She’d missed her chance to say anything to Brent. Perhaps tomorrow she could call the charter company and make a complaint – she needed to handle it for herself. She liked the idea of being able to tell Jacob about it Sunday – after she’d taken care of it.

As they walked her out to her dad’s truck, she smiled and nodded and answered their questions as best she could.

Her mom held the passenger seat forward, and Becca scrambled into the back. It made her smile. She might have gotten used to driving Grover lately, but she felt right at home squished behind her folks in the cab of the truck.

Once they were out on the highway, she pulled her phone out of her purse. She knew that if she didn’t let Jacob – and Slade – know that she’d landed safely, they’d both be calling her to check. She didn’t know how she’d manage to talk to either of them and not tell them about Jamie. So, she’d text them to buy herself some time.

She smiled when she saw that she already had texts from them both. She answered Jacob first.

Jacob:Hey! I hope you had a good flight.

Let me know that you arrived safely.

Say hi to your folks from me, and tell them I’m sorry

I can’t be there until Sunday. I miss you.

Becca:Hey, yourself! Flight was fine. Made it safely.

On the way to my folks’ house now. I will say hi to them.

I miss you more. I can’t wait for Sunday oxo

Next, she checked Slade’s message.
