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Becca checked her watch as she ran back down the stairs. Jacob was supposed to be arriving in an hour, and she still hadn’t heard anything from him. She’d tried calling him again, but it just went straight to voicemail. She’d already decided that she was going to drive over to the airport to meet him. She refused to believe that he wouldn’t come. She wasn’t going to get caught up in all the horrible possibilities of what might happen. Not until she had to. If he didn’t show, she’d deal with it then. But until she knew for sure, she was going to keep the faith. She loved him, and she wasn’t ready to believe that he didn’t love her enough to trust her.

Her mom smiled when she got to the kitchen. “Your dad just called; he should be back in about fifteen minutes.”

“Good. Do you think he’ll let me borrow his truck?”


“To go to the airport to get Jacob.”

Her mom held her gaze for a long moment. “So, you’re still expecting him?”

Becca froze. “Why? Aren’t you? What do you know, Mom?” She tried to hold back the tears, but a few still escaped and rolled down her face – proving that her decision to go without mascara today had been the right one.

Her mom came and wrapped her in a hug. “I told you, Becs. It’s all going to be okay.”

“Do you think so? How do you know? How do you even know what’s going on?”

Her mom pursed her lips. “I just know, okay? Your dad will explain when he gets back.”

Becca didn’t get it. How could her dad know what was going on? “Did he talk to Callie’s dad?” It was the only thing she could think of. Callie had texted her after she got home last night and told her that her brothers had gone out hunting for Jamie after she left. Callie had told them everything that happened, and they were pissed. They were pissed on Becca’s behalf, and it didn’t help that Callie’s youngest brother had a thing for Miranda, too.

“What’s Frank got to do with it?”


“Come on, Becs. I know a little bit, but not everything. Why don’t you tell me all about it?”

“Because I’ll just have to repeat it for Dad when he gets home.”

Her mom smiled. “You might not get the chance to do that. Tell me?”

“Okay,” Becca sighed. She’d never been able to hide anything from her mom – the only time she’d tried had been about moving in with Jacob, and that hadn’t worked. Her mom brought her a cup of tea, and Becca told her everything. She started way back at the first time she’d met Jamie and told her everything that had happened with him since, from the way he’d accosted her in the supermarket, and how Jacob had gotten rid of him because of it, all the way through to what had happened on the plane on Friday, and what had happened last night.

She sucked in a big shaky breath after telling her how she’d tried and tried to get through to Jacob afterward. “I love him, Mom. And I know he loves me. I don’t want to think about what it might mean if he believes how that photo must look.” She shook her head. “I’m not going to think about it until I have to. I’m just going to keep loving him and keep believing.”

Her mom got up and pulled Becca to her feet so that she could wrap her in a hug. “It’s all going to be okay, Becs. You love him the right way. And he loves you just as much.”

Becca buried her face in her shoulder. “Thanks, Mom. I hope so. But we don’t know. We can’t …”

“Yeah, we can, love.”

She looked up at her. “How can you be so sure?”

Her mom smiled and pointed through the window. “That’s how.”

Becca’s breath caught in her chest when she saw her dad’s truck pull up in the driveway. Her dad was getting out, and then the passenger door opened – and Jacob climbed out!

Her hand came up to cover her mouth, and tears pricked behind her eyes.

“Go on. What are you waiting for?” her mom asked with a grin.

Becca ran to the front door and flew out to meet him. She heard her dad chuckle as she ran past him. Then Jacob held his arms out to her, and she flung herself into them.



She looked up into his eyes. “I didn’t …”
