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“And you?”

His heart hammered in his chest. How the hell was he supposed to answer that question? And then, he closed his eyes briefly when realization hit him. Of course Russ wasn’t asking whether he loved Alyssa. He was the one who’d asked himselfthat question – though why, he didn’t know. Yes, he liked her, he was attracted to her, he wanted to spend more time with her, but love? Love wasn’t even on his radar, let alone with his stepsister.

He pulled himself together when he realized that Russ was still waiting for him to answer. “I think she’s great.” He gave Russ a wry smile. “I’ll be honest and tell you that I wasn’t sure what to expect of my new stepsister, but I think we’ve both been pleasantly surprised.”

Russ had a strange gleam in his eye when he smiled and nodded. “I’m glad to hear it.” He looked down at his watch. “Although, as much of a success as this weekend has been, we should probably get you guys on your way. Your mom said the plane is already at the airport waiting for you, and I’d like to get Alyssa on the road soon, so that she’ll be home before dark.”

Bentley nodded. He felt bad that he got to fly home while Alyssa had to make the long drive alone. He’d thought about suggesting that he should go with her, but he didn’t think that would fly. And besides, the guys had already flown in here to collect him.

His mom and Alyssa came out at that moment; it seemed that they had reached the same conclusion – that it was time to go. As they all said their goodbyes, Bentley’s mind was racing. He and Alyssa had driven here separately since the plan had always been for them both to leave from Russ’s place.

He hated the thought of her driving away without him getting to say goodbye privately. But, as he watched Russ hug her and start walking her to her car, he realized that his window of opportunity was closing. He had to force himself to focus on his mom and what she was saying.

“I’m so glad that you came, darling. I hope that next time Willow will come with you. If nothing else, I’d like for us all to get together at Thanksgiving.”

That focused his attention in a hurry. It conjured up the image of what he and Alyssa had talked about – awkward family gatherings where he wouldn’t get to talk to her properly, let alone hold her or kiss her … He shook his head in an attempt to clear it; he shouldn’t even be thinking stuff like that. He shouldn’t, but he was, and he didn’t want to change it.

His gaze snapped to her as she opened her car door. This was it; unless he did something, she was going to drive away. Judging by the way the light seemed to have gone out of her eyes, he’d guess that she was feeling the same way he was.

“It was nice to meet you,” she said with a sad smile.

He held her gaze, hoping that her words were for their parents’ sake. They seemed too flat and empty to sum up what they’d shared.

He understood where she was coming from when all he could offer in return was, “You, too.” He had to say more than that. “And I meant what I said – I will call you.”

The way she smiled eased the tightness in his chest a little. “I’ll look forward to it.”

He would, too, but he didn’t feel that he should say so. Instead, he smiled and nodded. “Drive safe.”

And then Russ was there, closing her door for her, leaning in the window as she fastened her seat belt.

Bentley turned to his mom and hugged her one last time. It was time for him to go, too.

Ollie and Reaves were already waiting for him at the airport. Reaves had texted a little while ago to say that the plane had been refueled, and they’d be ready whenever he got there.

As he pulled away from Russ’s house, he decided that they’d be fine to wait for a little while longer.

He hit the button on the steering wheel and told the hands-free system toCall Alyssa.When he’d saved her number this morning, he’d been planning to make himself wait at least a couple of days before he called her. Now, that seemed stupid.



“Oh, hi. Is everything okay? Are you okay?”

He smiled to himself before he said, “Everything will be okay in a few minutes if you meet me at the beach.”

The sound of her laughter hit him right in the chest. “Okay, but not the beach right by the resort. Follow me, we’ll go to the one near here – there’s hardly ever anyone there.”

“Lead on.” He was happy to go wherever she wanted to, but the fact that they had to hide wiped the smile off his face.

A few minutes later he brought his rental car to a stop next to her Volvo SUV. She climbed out with a grin on her face. He went straight to her and closed his arms around her waist as he pressed a kiss to her lips.

“Sorry, I know you need to get on the road, but I just couldn’t leave it like that.”

“Don’t be sorry, this is way better. I wouldn’t have dared to call you but I’m glad that you called me.”

He took hold of her hand and started walking toward the beach. It probably wasn’t the best idea; Russ was right, sheneeded to get going if she wanted to be home before dark. But he just wanted a little longer with her.
