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“You know I told you that she was on the phone? Well apparently, she’s talking to Bentley.”

Alyssa got up and started to pace. Had Bentley told his mom? Had he found himself in the same situation that she was, and not been able to lie? She wouldn’t blame him if he had. “Yes,” she said, cautiously.

“She just told me that she was asking him about that whole audit idea. She seems to have really latched onto it. I think she likes it for two reasons. One, she wants Bentley and Willow to establish a whole new baseline now that she’s stepped down. And two, I think she likes the idea of you doing it because it would keep it in the family. I have to tell you that I like that part of it, too.”

Alyssa swallowed, not sure what she could or should say.

Her dad sounded weird when he spoke again. “What I’m trying to say, sweetheart, is that I like the idea of you guys getting together.”

She sucked in a sharp breath. If only! Wouldn’t that make life easier? But no, she needed to rein herself in. Her dad was only talking about her working with Bentley – and with Willow, too.

“Hang on a minute.”

Alyssa went and flopped down on the sofa. She shook her head as she stared up at the ceiling. She couldn’t take any more of this. She hated not being completely honest with her dad, and she knew Bentley was feeling the same way. As soon as she got off the phone, she was going to call him. They needed to sort this out.

“Hey, sweetheart. Are you busy this weekend? How would you feel about a trip to Napa?”

She rested her head back against the cushion and covered her eyes with her arm. This was just going from bad to worse.

Luckily, he didn’t wait for her to answer before he continued. “Like I said, Ria is talking to Bentley right now. I think she’s trying to do her best to make this happen. Is that okay with you? You can say no, you know. Tell me if you don’t want to do it. You can tell me anything.”

She frowned at her phone. The way he said that last part,you can tell me anything, made it sound like he already knew. But no, that was just guilt. And she’d feel even more guilty if she turned down Ria’s attempt to get her to Napa to see Bentley, just so thathecould sneak to San Francisco to seeher.

“It’s okay with me. If they want me to go there this weekend, I’ll be happy to.” She bit down on her bottom lip, but she had to ask. “Will you guys be there?”

“No. We can’t this weekend. So, if you’d rather wait until another time …”

“No. I’ll go. It’ll be fine.” And it would be fine. She’d still get to see Bentley, and they would absolutely figure out how they were going to tell their parents. She couldn’t live with the lies anymore.

~ ~ ~

“What time are they supposed to land?” asked Willow.

Bentley checked his watch. “Not for another half an hour yet.”

Willow laughed. “Well then, would you stop pacing and sit the hell down?”

He rolled his eyes at her. “Sorry. I just hate that I didn’t get to go with them.”

“She’ll be fine; she’s a big girl. And you know that the guys will take care of her.” Willow cocked an eyebrow at him. “Wait, do they know just how precious a cargo they’re bringing back here? Have you told Ollie and Reaves?”

“I have. I told them about her when we were all in New York last week. And besides, they flew me to San Francisco last weekend, remember?”

“Of course. I knew that they’d taken you there, but I didn’t know if they understood what was going on.”

“They do. I don’t have any secrets from them. You know that.”

“And what are your plans for the weekend? I know Mom said that she wants us all to talk about the possibility of Alyssa doing an audit, but don’t you think it’s weird?”

Bentley’s gaze snapped up to meet his sister’s. “Why? What do you think’s weird about it?”

Willow laughed. “Jeez, calm down, would you? I don’t think she knows what’s going on. Come on, do you really think she’d be able to keep quiet about it if she did?”

Bentley frowned at her. “What do you think she’d have to say? That’s the question that’s plaguing me the most. I’ve decided that I honestly don’t see a problem with Alyssa and me seeing each other. But I don’t know how Mom will see it or Russ, either, for that matter.”

“Honestly? I think Mom’s going to be thrilled. You know she has high hopes for you. You’re the best chance that she has. If there’s going to be a next generation of DuPonts, you’re the one who’s going to have to produce them. I seriously don’t think she’ll have an issue with the whole stepsister thing. I don’t think it is an issue. And we know that she likes Alyssa.” Willow laughed. “And it’s not like you have to worry about her not approving of the family, is it?”

Bentley had to smile at that. “No, I guess there’s that. But going back to what you said, why doyouthink it’s weird that she wants Alyssa to come? I mean, she threw me for a loop when she suggested it on the phone the other night.”
