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Bentley frowned. He had to wonder why she would be at the airport. She hadn’t called and told him that she’d need the plane.

“I take it your silence means that’s a surprise to you?”

“It is.”

“In that case, I’m glad I called.”

Bentley’s heart started to hammer in his chest. He thought he already knew the answer, but he had to ask. “Was Russ with her? Did she say where she was going?”

Smoke laughed. “You really need to ask? She didn’t say where they were going, but I checked the flight plan.”

Bentley looked up at Alyssa, wondering how she was going to take this. They’d both been dreading making the phone call. Now, it seemed that they were going to have to face the music in person.

He held her gaze as he said, “I don’t think I need to ask, but I do think I need you to say it out loud.” Alyssa’s eyes widened when he said, “Are you seriously telling me that my mom and Russ are flying back here as we speak?”

Smoke chuckled. “I sure am, bud. And you have to tell me, would I be right if I guessed that Alyssa is there with you, and they don’t know?”

“You would.”

“Then I’ll let you go. It sounds to me like you’ve got some fast thinking to do.”


Smoke laughed again. “Good luck. Give me a call and let me know how it went. I know you’re probably panicking right now, but I’m sure it’ll all work out okay.”

Bentley blew out a sigh. “I’m sure it will. We were planning to call and tell them today. I guess we just left it too long.”

“If it’s any consolation, I can’t see them having a problem with it.”

“I hope not. Thanks for calling.”

“Not a problem. Talk to you soon.”

When Bentley ended the call, Alyssa let out a short laugh. “Oh well. At least this way we don’t have the option to chicken out.”

“That’s true. I have to admit that I would rather have told them over the phone, but I guess that’s kind of chicken in itself, isn’t it?”

“I guess it is, but I’m right there with you. But, since we’re out of options now, all we can do is prepare to face the music.”

He reached for her hand again and gave it a squeeze. “And by tonight, this will all be behind us, and we can get on with making plans for what comes next.”

She nodded happily. “I like the sound of that. I just wish we had a fast-forward button.”

He had to laugh. “I do, too.”

~ ~ ~

“Good luck, guys. I’m out of here,” said Willow with a grin.

Alyssa gave her a tight smile. She couldn’t blame her for not hanging around, but she almost wished that she would.

Bentley made a face at his sister. “I don’t know what you’re laughing about. I’ll remember this when your turn comes.”

Alyssa gave him a puzzled look. She had to wonder whether he was just talking in general or whether he already knew about Slade. She hadn’t said anything to him about that yet – they had enough going on themselves. But she was curious.

Willow just laughed. “Come on, big brother. You know damn well that if I thought you needed my help, I’d stick around. ButI honestly think they’re going to be fine about it – happy even. I just think it’s funny seeing the two of you so nervous.”

Alyssa let out a short laugh. “Thanks!”
