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Alyssa: Are you nuts? I have no desire whatsoever to bring her there. And besides, didn’t you pick up on the part where I said that I’ve told her that I’m seeingsomeone? I’m a big fat coward; what I haven’t told her yet is who you are.

Bentley: Why not? What’s the problem? I hate to say it, but from what you’ve told me, I’d have thought that she might be impressed.

Alyssa: Oh, she would be. She’d be highly impressed that you’re the CEO of a major company. But that’s not the detail that she will focus on. She’s going to be pissed as hell that I’m seeing Ria’s son.

Bentley ran a hand through his hair. That hadn’t occurred to him. He knew that Julia and Russ had a strained relationship. Alyssa had told him that she’d missed Russ’s proposal to his mom because Julia had been visiting – and had supposedly taken ill that day and begged Alyssa to stay with her.

He blew out a sigh, and then looked up when Willow appeared in the doorway to his office.

“Any news from Alyssa?”

He loved that his sister seemed almost as eager to get her back here as he was. He held up his phone. “I’m talking with her now.”

Willow raised an eyebrow. “Texting? Why not talking?”

“Because her mom’s with her.”

“What, and that means she can’t talk? Why?”

“Hang on.”

Bentley: Willow just came in. I need to talk to her. Hang in there, okay? We’ll figure something out.

Alyssa: Okay. Say hi to her for me. And maybe see if she has any ideas? I like the way your sister thinks.

Bentley: I will. Talk later. Love you.

Alyssa: I love you too.

He couldn’t help smiling as he read that last line. Every time she said those words to him, a warm feeling settled in his chest.

Willow cleared her throat. “Hello?”

“Sorry.” He gave her a rueful smile.

“Come on, then. Tell me what the problem with her mom is.”

“Apparently, her mum and Russ don’t have the best relationship. You know the story there, don’t you?”

“Oh, yes. I do. What a bitch!”

Bentley had to laugh. He felt the same way, but he wouldn’t speak the words out loud.

“Oh, wait, so the two of you have some kind of Romeo and Juliet thing going on? Her mom doesn’t want her to see you because you’re mom’s son?”

He shrugged. “Alyssa doesn’t think that she’ll be happy about it.”

Willow’s eyes widened. “Oh my God, are you saying that she hasn’t even told her?”

Bentley nodded. He wasn’t thrilled about that, but he understood.

“So, what are you going to do? Are you going there this weekend?”

“I don’t see how I can. The original plan was for Alyssa to come back here. But now …” Now, he didn’t know how things would work out. “Oh, and by the way, she said to say hi to you.” He chuckled. “She also said to see if you had any ideas about what we should do. Apparently, she likes the way you think.”

Willow laughed. “I’m glad to hear it. I like her, too. I like the way she thinks when it comes to a lot of things. But she – like you – is nowhere near devious enough. So, perhaps you do need my help.”

Bentley had laughed. “Have I told you lately how glad I am that you’re my sister?”
